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  1. UN Human Rights deploys assessment mission to South Sudan

    26 October 2015 The UN human rights chief had begun deploying a mission to assess the situation in South ...

  2. We are All Human Beings, We All Have Equal Rights, say Youth in Torit

    10 April 2018 The group of young people gathered under the shady tree in Torit are holding signs reading “American”, “German”, “South Sudanese”, “Woman”, “Man”, “Rich”, “Poor”, “Muslim”, “Christian”.

  3. Government pledges to ratify key human rights conventions

    12 December 2011... laws and enact new ones to ensure they met international human rights standards. ...

  4. Press release (on behalf of UNMAS) Launch of Mine Action Photo Exhibition and Risk Education Music Video

    7 April 2017 One of the photos of the exhibition launched by UNMAS in Juba. Photo: UNMAS/Martine Perret The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), in commemoration of 4 April, “International Day for Mine Awareness an...

  5. UNMISS launches human rights campaign in Juba secondary school

    2 December 2015... of Activism against Gender-based Violence, UNMISS launched a human rights awareness campaign at Juba Day Secondary School today. ...

  6. Journalists in Wau get skilled in reporting on human rights issues

    15 October 2019... in Wau, Voice of Hope, despite his limited knowledge of human rights reporting. ...

  7. Press Conference of The Commission on Human Rights at the conclusion of its second visit to South Sudan

    30 November 2016 Press Conference of The Commission on Human Rights at the conclusion of its second visit to South Sudan ...

  8. UNMISS commemorates Human Rights Day

    10 December 2014... - South Sudanese leaders should take a strong stand against human rights abusers and let them know that impunity will not be tolerated, UNMISS ...

  9. Bentiu celebrates Human Rights Day against a backdrop of pain and gender-based violence

    12 December 2018 Bentiu celebrated the International Human Rights Day demanding accountability for perpetrators of gender-based violence ...

  10. Economics affecting human rights, official says

    11 December 2012... due to economic inequality among its citizens, the country's Human Rights Commission chairman said today in Juba. ...
