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  1. Stakeholders call for honest, transparent, and inclusive debate on new constitution at UNMISS workshop

    9 September 2021 A group of stakeholders discussing their inputs at a consultative workshop on constitution-making in South Sudan. Photos: Isaac Billy/UNMISS As South Sudan makes the long journey from winning indepe...

  2. Upper Nile police trained for refugee duty

    10 November 2013... to taking up posts in Upper Nile refugee camps, South Sudan police today concluded a two-month training conducted by UN Police (UNPOL) in Bunj, ...

  3. Following a traumatic journey to relative safety, returnees escaping violence in Sudan face new challenges

    25 July 2023 A visiting UNMISS team meets returnees fleeing violence in neighbouring Sudan who are currently located in a transit site in Warrap. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS WARRAP – "Our belongings were con...

  4. Beyond Bentiu: In Search of a New Life

    14 August 2017 Beyond Bentiu: In Search of a New Life Traditional huts, or tukul, of bamboo, mud ...

  5. Aweil police start training in traffic management

    11 November 2013 11 November 2013 - UN police advisors today launched a training course in traffic management for ...

  6. UN Exploring Establishment of a New Base in Conflict-Ridden Yei

    14 July 2017 UN Exploring Establishment of a New Base in Conflict-Ridden Yei ... The United Nations is exploring the option of opening a new base in the conflict-ridden Yei region of South Sudan if warring parties ...

  7. New Norwegian envoy visits protection sites in Juba

    29 August 2014... living conditions of internally displaced people (IDPs) on UN bases, Tone Tinnes, the new Norwegian Ambassador to South Sudan today visited a protectio ...

  8. New project to drive stability and peace in Central Equatoria launched by Trust Fund partners

    30 November 2021 An innovative new programme to promote social cohesion between politically divided ... Morobo and Kajo-Keji reconcile and end violence and create new incentives to sustain peaceful coexistence. It is funded by donations from ... Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and Canada through the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund for Reconciliation, Stabilization, and Resilience ...

  9. Partners sign agreement for new protection site in Juba

    5 March 2014 4 March 2014 - To relocate displaced people at UNMISS Juba bases to better facilities ahead of coming rains, UNMISS, South Sudanese and Chinese representatives today signed a tripartite letter of e

  10. More than 30 police officers in Gogrial East trained as UNMISS peers hailed for their efforts

    24 February 2022 Police serving with UNMISS training South Sudanese colleagues in Warrap State on human rights, community policing and dealing with ...
