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  1. How to achieve intercommunal peace – the story of Rumbek

    30 July 2016... Rumbek was recently one of the most insecure towns in South Sudan. At times when I spoke with people in Juba and told them I was working ...

  2. UN reiterates commitment to lasting peace in South Sudan

    25 October 2012... October 2012 – Pledging to do more to make a difference in South Sudan, the United Nations across the country today participated in ...

  3. UNMISS galvanizes youth participation in peacebuilding by training 60 students

    27 November 2023... the backdrop of continuing conflict and political upheavals, South Sudan, the world’s newest nation, is approaching its first post-independence ...

  4. Children share stories of suffering with UN Security Council Working Group in South Sudan

    7 November 2018... lifetime of pain, fighting as a child soldier in the war in South Sudan. ...

  5. UN Security Council Working Group urges South Sudan’s leaders to end violations against children

    7 November 2018 South Sudan’s leaders are being urged by the United Nations Security Council ...

  6. Supply and Delivery of Plumbing Materials to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Juba, South Sudan.

    8 February 2017... NATIONS UNIES   United Nations Mission in South Sudan UNMISS     REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST ...

  7. UNMAS clearance of Green Hill Primary School, Gudele

    18 August 2016 The fighting which broke out in Juba, at the beginning of July, between rival SPLA and SPLA-IO forces littered the capital with explosive hazards.

  8. REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Business Siminar in Juba, Republic of South Sudan Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: Wednesday, 15 March 2017

    24 February 2017... E S   United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan                             ...

  9. A day in the life of Aben: International Day of the Girl Child in Malakal

    11 October 2018 When we first walk into the compound, sixteen-year-old Aben Kon Guon is seated next to a basin of soapy water washing a bright yellow shirt.

  10. Kenyan President urges country’s leaders to press forward with peace process pt.1

    30 August 2016 Meanwhile, the Uganda Joint Christian Council plans to write a joint statement addressing the leadership in Juba appealing for peace.
