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  1. UNMISS “children not soldiers” campaign encourages South Sudan army to protect children in Pibor

    20 December 2017... UNMISS “children not soldiers” campaign encourages South Sudan army to protect children in Pibor The Sudan ...

  2. Concert opens Human Rights Day celebrations in South Sudan

    10 December 2012... 9 December 2012 - Celebrations for Human Rights Day in South Sudan kicked off today with a free, public concert featuring the Juba-based ...

  3. UN Habitat hands over flood protection and water project to Marial Bai county

    4 January 2017... with UN Habitat UN Habitat has handed over a Flood Protection, Water and Sanitation and Livelihood project to Alel ...

  4. Western Equatoria gets new school buildings

    16 October 2014 16 October 2014 - Hundreds of children in Western Equatoria’s Nzara and Yambio Counties who have been studying under trees will benefit from school facilities provided

  5. Advocacy group supports victims of gender based violence

    8 December 2016 A South Sudanese Youth activist is calling  for the creation of  Peer to Peer  HIV support groups in South Sudan, on World Aids Day.   ...

  6. Youth in Eastern Equatoria celebrate peace through sport

    3 October 2017... for peace in the troubled Eastern Equatorian region of South Sudan, which is continuing to experience ongoing viole ...

  7. Child Protection

    16 October 2015 Who we are

  8. UNMISS partners with state government in Eastern Equatoria to celebrate a decade of South Sudan’s independence

    13 July 2021... Some 3,000 people across Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan, came together in a colorful and heartfelt celebration marking the ...

  9. Partners ramp up response for South Sudan refugee influx in Uganda

    13 September 2016 Partners ramp up response for South Sudan refugee influx in Uganda Uganda is currently ...

  10. Basic school exam results in Upper Nile State show decline

    30 March 2012 28 March 2012 – The percentage of students who passed their basic examinations in Upper Nile State is down from last year, according to results announced today by the state government's Ministry of
