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  1. Students speak out for women and durable peace in Upper Nile

    15 April 2018... sweltering heat of Malakal – a growing town in northern South Sudan. ...

  2. Press Conference: UN Security Council delegation concludes South Sudan visit pt.2

    5 September 2016 UN Security Council meeting with the Cabinet; Ambassador Power -

  3. Coalition of church leaders lobby support for South Sudan Peace process

    1 November 2016 DATE:                         19.9.2016. DURATION:   4:35 seconds. LANGUAGE: English. PRODUCER: Luka William Athiel.

  4. Senior South Sudanese army officers urged by the United Nations to respect the rights of children

    14 December 2017 Senior South Sudanese army officers urged by the United Nations to respect the rights ... are being urged to respect the rights of children so that South Sudan can be removed from the international list of countries that recruit and ...

  5. Healing, hope, reconciliation triple focus of two-week sensitization drive in Western Equatoria

    6 December 2021 UNMISS and local authorities in Western Equatoria have begun a two-week ... been a difficult year for the people of Western Equatoria, South Sudan. ...

  6. United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) responds to Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) allegations

    18 September 2016 United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) responds to Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) allegations ...

  7. Statement by the Hon. Martin Elia Lomoro, Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Republic of South Sudan, following a meeting held between the United Nations Security Council delegation and President Kiir.

    4 September 2016 UN Security Council meeting with the Cabinet; Ambassador Power -

  8. SRSG meets with South Sudan Cabinet Affairs Minister

    7 September 2016 UN Security Council meeting with the Cabinet; Ambassador Power -

  9. South Sudanese students’ celebrate Day of the African Child on UN radio

    16 June 2017 South Sudanese students’ celebrate Day of the African Child on UN radio ... To celebrate the Day of the African Child, 30 students from schools across Juba took control of the UN Mission in South Sudan’s Radio Miraya. ...

  10. United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) responds to Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) allegations

    19 September 2016 Tree plantation Campaign launched in Aweil today   PROGRAMMES DEPARTMENT    
