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  1. Essay winners in Juba: “If men can make good presidents, maybe women can make better presidents”

    25 April 2018... abilities and rights of women were all parts of an emotional UNMISS essay writing competition award ceremony at Don ...

  2. UN Special Advisor sees ‘all the warning signs’ the South Sudan conflict could spiral into genocide / Full Remarks

    21 November 2016 The success of the Sustainable Development Goals, will depend, in part, on how well stakeholders invest and support the young girls of today, according to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).

  3. Security essential to reinvigorating bread basket of South Sudan (Statement Attributable to the Office of the Spokesperson United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Yambio, 23 February, 2017)

    23 February 2017 UNMISS chief David Shearer on his visit to Yambio on 22 February. ...

  4. Provision of Electrical Components and Supplies to UNMISS in Juba, Republic of South Sudan

    25 September 2018 United Nations Mission in South Sudan UNMISS REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (REOI) For ...

  5. Provision of Timber and Plywood to UNMISS in Juba, Republic of South Sudan

    27 September 2018 United Nations Mission in South Sudan UNMISS     REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (REOI)   ...

  6. Hope for South Sudan’s younger generation

    16 June 2017 Hope for South Sudan’s younger generation Liatile Putsoa, from Lesotho recently joined UNMISS as a UN Volunteer. ...

  7. Bentiu-bound verification team vows to leave no stone unturned to remove children from armed forces

    16 May 2019... with armed forces. A joint team from South Sudan’s government and opposition forces has arrived in South Sudan’s ...

  8. THE SECRETARY-GENERAL -- REMARKS TO THE SECURITY COUNCIL ON SOUTH SUDAN [as delivered] (plus link to full coverage of the SC session)

    24 March 2017... coverage of the 23 March 2017 Security Council session on South Sudan here ) Excellencies, ...

  9. UNMISS supports upgrade of Kuajok Hospital

    23 March 2015 20 March 2015- Peace was a vital pre-requisite necessary for development to take place in any society, the acting Warrap Governor, Akech Tong Aleu, said in the state capital Kuajok today.

  10. Former long-standing rival communities in Lakes region sign historic peace deal

    9 January 2019 Peace at last? After fighting each other for decades, the Rup and Pakam communities in the Lakes region have pledged to reconcile. The two nomadic communities of Rup and Pakam in the Western Lakes region have...
