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  1. JMEC pledges support for South Sudan’s proposed national dialogue

    17 December 2016 A South Sudanese Youth activist is calling  for the creation of  Peer to Peer  HIV support groups in South Sudan, on World Aids Day.   ...

  2. UN Peacekeeping Chief, Hervé Ladsous, Peace in South Sudan can only be salvaged through “a strong political and coordinated approach.” pt.2

    13 July 2016 Meanwhile, the Uganda Joint Christian Council plans to write a joint statement addressing the leadership in Juba appealing for peace.

  3. SRSG bids farewell urging unity and optimism: “Do not give up on South Sudan”

    28 November 2016... farewell urging unity and optimism: “Do not give up on South Sudan” The mood somehow managed to be simultaneously ...


    2 May 2017... national karate competition held on Saturday in Juba. The South Sudanese Karate Association has been training alongside members of the ... contingent serving at the United Nations Mission in South Sudan. Winny Paul has been training intensively in ...

  5. Top UN peace envoy arrives in South Sudan to lend support to the peace process

    9 September 2021... to re-energize the somewhat stalling implementation of South Sudan's peace agreement. Photos: Isaac Billy/UNMISS ...

  6. Survivors of sexual violence in South Sudan struggle to access health care

    19 May 2020 Survivors of conflict-related sexual violence continue to struggle to access adequate medical and mental health care, according to a new report issued by the

  7. As Delivered: Briefing to the Security Council on the situation in South Sudan by Special Representative of the Secretary-General for South Sudan and Head of UNMISS, Nicholas Haysom, on 16 September 2022

    18 September 2022... Special Representative of the Secretary-General for South Sudan and Head of UNMISS, Nicholas Haysom. Madame ...

  8. Death, destruction in South Sudan almost unprecedented, Ban says

    19 March 2014... gross human rights violations and displacement in South Sudan over such a short period have few precedents, Secretary-General Ban ...

  9. UN humanitarian chief visits South Sudan

    2 February 2012 1 February 2012 – One of South Sudan's biggest challenges was the hundreds of thousands of people displaced in ...

  10. South Sudan joins anti-personnel mine convention

    14 November 2011 11 November 2011 - South Sudan has made banning anti-personnel mines one of its first multilateral ...
