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  1. Speech of the Chair of the Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan to the Human Rights Council

    15 March 2017... speech_of_the_chair_of_the_commission_on_human_rights_in_south_sudan_to_the_human_rights_council.pdf (286.74 KB) ...

  2. Installation of a Water Storage System at the UN House, Juba, Republic of South Sudan.

    3 October 2017... of a Water Storage System at the UN House, Juba, Republic of South Sudan. reoi_-_water_storage_system.pdf ...

  3. Provision of Pipes and Fitting Accessories to UNMISS, Juba, Republic of South Sudan

    10 October 2017... Accessories to UNMISS, Juba, Republic of South Sudan reoi_-_pipes_and_fittings.pdf ...

  4. Provision of Water Treatment Consumables and Chemicals to UNMISS, Juba, Republic of South Sudan

    1 December 2017... Provision of Water Treatment Consumables and Chemicals to UNMISS, Juba, Republic of South Sudan   eoi_-_water_treatment_consumables.pdf ...

  5. For Construction of a Holding Facility at the UN House, Juba, Republic of South Sudan.

    18 December 2017... Facility at the UN House, Juba, Republic of South Sudan. ...

  6. Provision of Timber to UNMISS in Juba, Republic of South Sudan

    12 December 2018... Timber to UNMISS in Juba, Republic of South Sudan reoi_timber.pdf Application ...

  7. Provision of Plumbing Tools in Juba, Republic of South Sudan

    11 February 2019... Provision of Plumbing Tools in Juba, Republic of South Sudan plumbing_tools.pdf ...

  8. Construction of Hard Wall Waste Incinerators in Juba and Wau, Republic of South Sudan

    9 November 2019... Waste Incinerators in Juba and Wau, Republic of South Sudan eoi_-_hard_wall_waste_incinerator.pdf ...

  9. Full remarks by H.E. Dennis Francis, President of the United Nations General Assembly

    14 June 2024 Dear Friends and Members of Media,

  10. UN takes steps to support coronavirus prevention and preparedness in South Sudan

    18 March 2020... steps to support coronavirus prevention and preparedness in South Sudan - 18 March 2020 ...
