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  1. Dialogue would curb cattle raids in Upper Nile, officials say

    3 July 2013 1 July 2013 - Civilian disarmament and inter-communal dialogue would play an important role in curbing cattle raids and inter-communal violence, Baliet County officials in Upper Nile State said tod

  2. Bentiu residents flee violence, arrive at UNMISS

    16 April 2014... in the oil-rich Unity State capital Bentiu arrived at the UNMISS site today. ...

  3. At an UNMISS-facilitated conference, communities of Ajak and Kongdier resolve to end conflict

    5 August 2019... has resolved a long-standing inter-communal disagreement over the ownership of Wathmuok, a strategic piece of land that straddles the ...

  4. Western Equatoria residents attend gender and conflict workshop

    23 November 2015 Focusing on gender-based issues in conflict, Western Equatoria State residents today completed a two-day workshop in the state capital Yambio.

  5. Rumbek media professionals learn conflict-sensitive reporting

    3 July 2015 2 July 2015 - A two-day training workshop aimed at equipping journalists with skills and knowledge to report responsibly during conflicts ended today in the Lakes State capital Rumbek.

  6. UNMISS and local communities in Malakal jointly commemorate World Health Day

    12 April 2021 UNMISS teamed up with local communities in Malakal for a one-day general and ...

  7. UNMISS and partners on assessment visit to Kajo-Keji region

    24 January 2017 UNMISS and partners on a recent assessment visit to the greater Kajo-Keji ... mission of the United Nations Mission in the country (UNMISS) recently visited the Greater Kajo-Keji region to find out more about ...

  8. UNMISS destroys ammunition and weapons in Malakal

    15 December 2014 12 December 2014 - UNMISS and the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) today destroyed ...

  9. Tri-state area lawmakers seek to end cattle raids

    11 April 2013 11 April 2013 – Legislators from the states of Unity, Warrap and Lakes participated today in a teleconference and discussed possible ways of ending cattle raids that often result in the deaths of i

  10. Gak and Manuer sections put pen to paper to end five years of inter-communal conflict in Lakes

    13 December 2018 Members of the previously clashing communities of Manuer and Gak celebrate the signing of a peace deal. Local leaders, youth and women of the Gak and Manuer sections in the counties of Aloor and Malueeth in t...
