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  1. Japan assesses peacekeeping prospects in South Sudan

    14 October 2011... surveyed Juba International Airport today, as Japan mulls over the possibility of sending personnel to su ...

  2. United Nations Police Advisor supports efforts of women police officers serving in South Sudan

    13 December 2019... United Nations protection sites when civil war broke out in South Sudan. ...

  3. JMEC chairperson: “The only offensive South Sudan needs right now is a peace offensive”

    23 November 2016... JMEC chairperson: “The only offensive South Sudan needs right now is a peace offensive” JMEC ...

  4. Transforming South Sudan’s prisons

    8 April 2013... the ravages of more than two decades of civil war, the South Sudan Prisons Service had fallen into a sorry state. ...

  5. Nepalese Formed Police Unit awarded UN Medal for service in South Sudan

    15 November 2017... Nepalese Formed Police Unit awarded UN Medal for service in South Sudan United Nations Medal parade ceremonies for UN ...

  6. Humanitarian community makes appeal for South Sudan

    30 November 2012... 28 November 2012 - The single biggest humanitarian need for South Sudan was development, the Deputy Special Representative of the ...

  7. Implementation of South Sudan’s peace process takes key step forward as trainers of unified army graduate

    5 October 2019 A training of trainers of a South Sudan’s soon-to-be unified army concluded today, 4 October, with a graduation ...

  8. UN Security Council delegation visits South Sudan

    2 September 2016 UN Security Council delegation visits South Sudan Juba, September 2016. ...


    20 January 2017... DAVID SHEARER, NEW HEAD OF THE UN MISSION IN SOUTH SUDAN, ARRIVES IN JUBA. The new Special Representative of ...

  10. First Protection of Civilians site successfully closed in South Sudan as families choose to return home

    20 December 2017... First Protection of Civilians site successfully closed in South Sudan as families choose to return home After four years ...
