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  1. Constitution-making in South Sudan: a work in progress with many complexities but a clear goal

    7 July 2021... As it completes a decade of independence, South Sudan has started the process of drafting a permanent constitution. A complex ...

  2. UNICEF emergency chief visits South Sudan

    18 February 2014... 17 February 2014 - Added to humanitarian support, South Sudanese resilience would help take them through the current crisis, ...

  3. Supporting South Sudan on the Path to Peace: The View of a United Nations Volunteer

    21 October 2021... from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Marko Miljevic joined UNMISS at a time when the country was emerging from the 2016 violence and ... in the world's youngest nation. Photo by Marko Miljevic/UNMISS. “One thing is abundantly ...

  4. “Equality cannot be achieved in a day”—Christine Ngbazande, Activist, South Sudan

    4 March 2022 WESTERN EQUATORIA – Christine Joseph Ngbazande, is a mother of three, an activist and leads a wo

  5. South Sudan’s women in uniform work to combat gender-based violence and promote peace

    10 July 2019 South Sudanese women working in the security sector discuss their right to ... About 100 uniformed women serving in South Sudan’s security sector are working towards combatting gender-based violence ...

  6. Rape and sexual violence continuing in South Sudan, UN envoy says

    7 October 2014... 6 October 2014 - The horrors of sexual violence in South Sudan had not ended with the country’s ceasefire agreement, a senior UN ...

  7. Two firsts: First time in South Sudan and flying the first-ever Vietnamese contingent to peacekeeping

    10 October 2018 Flight Lieutenant Conor O’Neill from the Australian Defense Force At the age of five or six, he knew he wanted to be a pilot. He is now 30, and flies a monstrous craft in those hard-to-go-to places.

  8. South Sudan leads way with security policy

    17 September 2012... 2012 - By beginning to develop a national security policy, South Sudan was moving in a direction other African countries were just beginning to ...

  9. South Sudan commits to freedom of journalists on radio day

    13 February 2013... 2013 - As the world commemorated World Radio Day today, the South Sudanese government emphasized its commitment to protect freedom of ...

  10. UN-led consultations on South Sudan’s permanent constitution in Bentiu include youth, women’s voices

    19 March 2023... galvanize public participation in key political processes in South Sudan, including the drafting of this young country's permanent constitution ...
