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  1. - Unified regional approach on South Sudan conflict is “critical” says United Nations head in country

    24 May 2017... and unified regional approach on solving the conflict in South Sudan has been urged by the head of the UN peacekeeping mission in the country ...

  2. Ten aid workers missing in South Sudan

    26 April 2018 Ten aid workers missing in South Sudan Press Release Ten aid workers have gone missing ...

  3. UNMISS reports undeclared ammunition imported by a contingent to the Government of South Sudan

    7 February 2024... 7 February 2024: The United Nations Mission in South Sudan has reported an incident to the Government of South Sudan of und ...

  4. South Sudan elections commission launched

    22 January 2013... Commission (NEC) in Juba today marked another key step in South Sudan's journey towards electoral democracy, according to national autho ...

  5. Top UN envoy in South Sudan stresses need for parties to respect the Revitalized Peace Agreement

    24 March 2022 Juba, 24 March 2022: Nicholas Haysom, the Secretary-General’s Special R

  6. Mine Action day highlights demining activities in South Sudan

    30 January 2013... vital demining work and its benefits for continued peace in South Sudan, UNMISS held a Mine Action Open Day with partner organizations today in ...

  7. Security Council extends mandate of United Nations Mission in South Sudan, unanimously adopting Resolution 2567 (2021)

    12 March 2021... the mandate of the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) until ...

  8. Students and parents in Yambio unite for peace as they mark Human Rights Day

    12 December 2019 Students dance excitedly during the Family Open Day event in Yambio. They clapped, they danced, and they sang.

  9. Extension of the pre-transitional period a sign of goodwill between the parties in South Sudan

    4 May 2019... period a sign of goodwill between the parties in South Sudan The unanimous decision to extend the pre-transitional period of the South Sudan peace agreement leading to the formation of a new, unified ...

  10. SRSG Nicholas Haysom: “A sense of urgency” needed as South Sudan enters critical year

    16 January 2023... of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN in South Sudan, covered a multitude of topics during his first press conference of the ...
