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  1. Press release (text and audio): South Sudan government “needs to investigate and apprehend killers” of aid workers

    26 March 2017 UNMISS chief David Shearer strongly condemns the killing of six aid workers, ...

  2. UNMISS welcomes signing of fresh commitment to peace in South Sudan

    12 September 2018... peace agreement by all parties to the conflict in South Sudan is a significant step forward in the process of ending the ongoing ...

  3. Gender sensitivity crucial element to secure efficient prisoner reintegration in South Sudan

    11 May 2023... CENTRAL EQUATORIA - As South Sudan’s partner for peace, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan ...

  4. UNMISS head welcomes resolution of stand-off with ex-army chief in South Sudan

    16 November 2017... head welcomes resolution of stand-off with ex-army chief in South Sudan The resolution of a stand-off between the ...

  5. ACT to Protect children campaign launched in South Sudan

    7 February 2020... children have suffered at the hands of armed groups during South Sudan’s civil war. ...

  6. Sexual and gender-based violence in South Sudan: Education critical to ensuring justice for victims

    29 May 2018

  7. 10th anniversary of independence provides opportunity for fresh push for peace in South Sudan

    8 July 2021... Juba, 8 July 2021: The 10 th anniversary of South Sudan’s historic achievement of independence provides an i ...

  8. South Sudan’s warring parties must negotiate, says UN envoy

    23 October 2014 22 October 2014 - South Sudan must silence the guns, immediately agree to a peace deal and return to ...

  9. “Limping” peace agreement risks delaying elections in South Sudan

    29 September 2020... On 29 September 2020, David Shearer, the UN’s top envoy in South Sudan, said that tangible progress in the peace process across the country is a ...

  10. South Sudan commemorates refugee day

    20 June 2014... 20 June 2014 - More than 360,000 South Sudanese had crossed into neighbouring countries since conflict broke out ...
