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  1. Supply and Delivery of Medium Duty Ductile Iron Access Covers & Frames to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Juba, South Sudan.

    18 October 2016... Iron Access Covers & Frames to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Juba, South Sudan. ...

  2. Health care deficit causing fresh trauma to sexual violence survivors in South Sudan

    19 May 2020... widespread and pervasive sexual violence that has plagued South Sudan throughout its five-year civil war suffer not only from the sexual ...

  3. Arrival of UN regional force in South Sudan will free up peacekeepers to patrol “insecure roads”

    8 August 2017... The arrival of a UN regional force in South Sudan will enable the UN Mission in the country, UNMISS to free up additional ...

  4. Press release: Amidst a decrease in violence against civilians in South Sudan, a surge in conflict- related sexual violence

    10 May 2022... Despite an overall decrease in violence against civilians in South Sudan, cases of conflict related se ...

  5. Human rights investigators rush to South Sudan’s Bentiu following spate of rapes

    5 December 2018 Women walk past a UN Armoured Personnel Carrier parked on a street in Bentiu. The UN has increased patrols to reinforce security in the area after some 150 women and girls reported rape and sexual assault. “O...

  6. “Zero tolerance” to sexual exploitation and abuse by UN staff in South Sudan: Victims’ Rights Advocate

    7 December 2017... tolerance” to sexual exploitation and abuse by UN staff in South Sudan: Victims’ Rights Advocate United Nations ...

  7. Senior commanders in Ashwa cantonment site call for increased training on the six grave violations against children

    28 September 2021 UNMISS, through its Child Protection Section, recently trained some 25 senior commanders of South Sudanese forces in Ashwa, Eastern Equatoria, on upholding the rights of children. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS. “On behalf of my colleagues, I ...

  8. Senior uniformed and security personnel trained on the need to protect child rights

    8 June 2022 Some 30 officers from the South Sudan People's Defense Force and the national security apparatus participated ... the Revitalized Peace Agreement. The workshop, held by the UNMISS Child Protection Unit, took place in Malakal. Photo by Nyang ...

  9. South Sudan: Hundreds of killings among grave violations and abuses committed against civilians in Tambura County in 2021

    1 March 2022 Juba, 1 March 2022 – Grave human rights violations and abuses, including hundreds of killings, were committed against civilians during fighting in Tam

  10. Cambodian blue helmets arrive in South Sudan

    17 April 2012... 2012 - To further bolster UNMISS peacekeeping efforts in South Sudan, two Cambodian military companies landed at Juba International Airport ...
