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Search results

  1. Supply and Delivery of Waste Incinerators to UNMISS in Juba, Republic of South Sudan and the Provision of Related Support Services

    23 September 2019... of Waste Incinerators to UNMISS in Juba, Republic of South Sudan and the Provision of Related Support Services ...

  2. Construction of Conventional Water Treatment Plants in Juba, Malakal and Bentiu, Republic of South Sudan

    2 October 2019... Treatment Plants in Juba, Malakal and Bentiu, Republic of South Sudan reoi.pdf Application ...

  3. Installation of Pre-fabricated Modular Buildings in Juba, Republic of South Sudan

    18 November 2019... of Pre-fabricated Modular Buildings in Juba, Republic of South Sudan reoi_prefab.pdf Application ...

  4. Supply and Delivery of Warehouse Ladders to UNMISS in Juba, Republic of South Sudan.

    9 December 2019... Delivery of Warehouse Ladders to UNMISS in Juba, Republic of South Sudan. untitled.pdf Application ...

  5. Supply and Delivery of Kitchen Utensils to UNMISS in Juba, Republic of South Sudan.

    9 December 2019... Delivery of Kitchen Utensils to UNMISS in Juba, Republic of South Sudan. untitled.pdf Application ...

  6. Supply and Delivery of Office Equipment to UNMISS in Juba, Republic of South Sudan.

    11 December 2019... Delivery of Office Equipment to UNMISS in Juba, Republic of South Sudan. untitled.pdf Application ...

  7. Supply and Delivery of Personal Protection Equipment to UNMISS in Juba, Republic of South Sudan

    11 December 2019... Personal Protection Equipment to UNMISS in Juba, Republic of South Sudan untitled.pdf Application ...

  8. Supply and delivery of Window Roller Blinds and Curtains to UNMISS in Juba, South Sudan

    11 December 2019... of Window Roller Blinds and Curtains to UNMISS in Juba, South Sudan signed.pdf Application ...

  9. REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (REOI) Drilling of Borehole in Akobo, Republic of South Sudan Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: 06 February 2020

    24 January 2020...   Drilling of Borehole in Akobo, Republic of South Sudan   Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: 06 February 2020 ...

  10. Provision of Battery Powered Emergency Combi Tool for UNMISS in South Sudan. 

    17 February 2020... Provision of Battery Powered Emergency Combi Tool for UNMISS in South Sudan.  ...
