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  1. South Sudan ratifies Convention on the Rights of the Child

    6 May 2015... - The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child today welcomed South Sudan’s ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. ...

  2. PRESS RELEASE - South Sudan: UN Report finds nearly 600 civilians were killed amid gross human rights abuses and serious violations of international humanitarian law by armed groups in Greater Upper Nile in late 2022

    1 December 2023 The UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the UN Human Rights Office today released a joint report entitled ...

  3. Serving in South Sudan: A Ghanaian UN volunteer's journey and his first UN Volunteers Day

    11 December 2018 The author, Gideon Sackitey (right) helps colleagues to offload mattresses - part of the items they donated to the children's ward at Bor Town Hospital - from a truck. It was all joy in Au...

  4. Widespread human rights abuses by all sides as South Sudan peace process gets underway

    21 January 2016... human rights violations and abuses have been committed in South Sudan by all parties to the conflict since December 2013, including hundreds of ...

  5. Women demand inclusion in South Sudan peace process

    28 October 2019 South Sudanese women are calling for political leaders to meet their commitment ...

  6. Celebrating with Culture and Colour on UN Day in Wau

    24 October 2017 Celebrating with Culture and Colour on UN Day in Wau Celebrations to mark the 72 nd anniversary of the United Nations began in Wau with a colourful and cheerful morning procession through the town in the n...

  7. South Sudan commemorates World Malaria Day

    25 April 2013... – Although malaria had brought "incredible destruction" to South Sudan, the government was confident of winning the fight against it, a top ...

  8. - Briefing to the Security Council on the Situation in South Sudan by Special Representative of the Secretary-General David Shearer [As delivered]

    24 May 2017... Briefing to the Security Council on the Situation in South Sudan by Special Representative of the Secretary-General David Shearer [As ...

  9. Women in Wau discuss gender disparity in South Sudan

    4 March 2016... to commemorate International Women’s Day on 8 March, UNMISS organized a women’s forum in Wau today. ...

  10. UNMISS SRSG Briefs UN Security Council on the current Situation in South Sudan – Remarks and Full Video Coverage

    24 May 2017... for the opportunity to brief the Council on the situation in South Sudan and the deployment of the Regional Protection Force. ...
