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  1. UNMISS hands over motorbikes to South Sudan national police services

    23 September 2020... in Jonglei do a better job. The South Sudan National Police Services in Greater Jonglei have received ten motorbikes ...

  2. WFP wants South Sudan government to help recover missing trucks

    25 July 2016 WFP wants South Sudan government to help recover missing trucks The World Food Programme (WFP) has called on the authorities in South Sudan to help recover an unspecified number of supply trucks believed to ...

  3. Alain Noudehou, DSRSG, , Resident Coordinator, Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in South Sudan; Press Conference-Opening Remarks

    22 November 2017 Good morning. Thank you for joining this press briefing today. My first formal encounter with you since arriving in Juba two months ago.

  4. Restraint urged on warring parties in South Sudan as violence escalates

    19 April 2017 The warring parties in South Sudan have been urged by the most senior UN official in the country to show ...

  5. A five-year first: Students in Malakal and Akoka sit for secondary school national exams

    15 January 2019... that this particular bell, which signals the start of the South Sudan school certificate exams, has been heard here. ...

  6. South Sudan on verge of disaster, says rights chief

    30 April 2014... Pillay said at a press conference in Juba today that neither South Sudan’s political leaders nor the international community s ...

  7. Transcript of a press conference with Nicholas Haysom, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMISS

    30 June 2022 [Near Verbatim]  

  8. Peacekeepers recognized for their service and sacrifice in South Sudan on the International Day of UN Peacekeepers

    28 May 2021... work hard to deter violence and protect civilians across South Sudan, helping the world's newest country transition from war to peace. Today, ...

  9. In flood ravaged Bentiu, UNMISS, South Sudan government continue protecting displaced people

    10 October 2023... UNITY – Viewed from the air, Bentiu, the capital of South Sudan’s Unity state, seems surrounded by large bodies of water. ...

  10. Rwanda genocide commemorated in South Sudan

    7 April 2014 7 April 2014 - Opening UNMISS gates to thousands of South Sudanese seeking shelter was an example of lessons the United Nations had ...
