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  1. Students in Torit Empowered by UNMISS Presentations

    21 November 2017... When it comes to building the future of South Sudan, helping young people grow, learn and develop is vital as they are the ...

  2. UNDP Interactive Drama launched to rally communities for Peace

    31 August 2016 The pupils who spoke with Radio Miraya said they lack exercise books, pens and pencils plus text books. Voice of Children ARABIC……………………………………………………………………………….VC

  3. Senior South Sudanese police officers in Yambio trained by UNMISS

    19 January 2021... Senior police officers from different branches of the South Sudan Police Service in Yambio, Western Equatoria, pictured during an ...

  4. South Sudan’s armed groups commit to end violations against children

    25 February 2019 An unusual gathering in Juba, and an unusual dose of honesty.

  5. Provision of Events Management Training for UNMISS Staff in Juba, South Sudan

    19 January 2017... E S   United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan                             ...

  6. Displaced students sit exams with support from UNMISS

    18 December 2019 In the murky pre-dawn light, hundreds of teenagers emerge from their shelters within the United Nations protection site, nervously clutching their pads and pens as they prepare to sit their end of

  7. US congressional delegation visits protection sites in Juba

    20 November 2015... from the United States Congress today visited an UNMISS protection-of-civilians site (PoC) in Juba and toured activities ...

  8. PROFILE: Melut County: The lure of oil

    28 September 2011... Business prospectors and job seekers from different parts of Sudan and South Sudan are flocking to oil-rich Melut County, especially the payams ...

  9. Peacekeepers day celebrated across South Sudan

    29 May 2014... 29 May 2014 - International Day of UN Peacekeepers was celebrated across South Sudanese states with readings of the Secretary General’s message, ...

  10. Children attending school at the UNMISS PoC site in Malakal appeal for scholastic materials pt.2

    26 July 2016 The pupils who spoke with Radio Miraya said they lack exercise books, pens and pencils plus text books. Voice of Children ARABIC……………………………………………………………………………….VC
