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  1. Access to Health for Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in South Sudan

    19 May 2020... Download access_to_health_for_survivors_of_conflict-related_sexual_violence_in_south_sudan.pdf (1.74 MB) ...

  2. UNMISS concert unites Bor communities to stand up for peace

    31 March 2022... up for peace. Photos: Gideon Sackitey and David Awuou/UNMISS JONGLEI  – With floods and repeated ...

  3. Campaign against SEA kicks off in Malakal

    2 December 2013... people in the capital Malakal today to report any form of sexual harassment and related cases of abuse. ...

  4. UNPOL trains South Sudanese women police officers on preventing violations against children

    9 February 2022... officers in Jonglei facilitated by UNPOL officers from UNMISS dealt with rule of law and human rights issues, especially sexual exploitation. It aimed at empowering local law enforcement to deal with ...

  5. Jubek and Boma state governors unite to combat child abduction

    20 September 2016 Jubek and Boma state governors unite to combat child abduction A young girl by the name of  Eshter Poni Madong was abducted from an area in Rajaf and taken to Gumuruk town, in Boma on the first of May this ye...

  6. Striving for harmony: A peacekeeping tale on the importance of timely information

    28 February 2019 To implement a peace agreement one needs to know what exactly has been agreed. Opposition forces in Eastern Equatoria are being informed. The signing of the revitalized peace agreement has not led to the imme...

  7. UN launches counseling centers for GBV survivors in Bor

    29 November 2013 28 November 2013 - To assist survivors of gender-based violence (GBV), the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) launched two health and counseling centres in a ceremony to

  8. “Being a UN Volunteer is about embracing the community”: Jason William Gbambi, UNMISS

    31 May 2021... Jason William Gbambi, a national volunteer serving with UNMISS, is thoroughly enjoying his important work. Photos: Gregorio Cunha/UNMISS Jason William Gbambi is a national UN ...

  9. Wau residents seek durable peace in Roc-Roc-Dong County rally

    14 August 2019 A big crowd of people gathered under a huge tree, dancing and singing peace songs, at a public peace rally in Roc-Roc-Dong County, organized by the Wau area government.

  10. Taskforce formed to prevent rape and abuse in Western Equatoria

    11 September 2014... 10 September 2014 - With high incidences of rape and sexual abuse in Western Equatoria, the state government and partners formed a ...
