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  1. Arrival of armed Lou Nuer in Upper Nile raises concerns

    23 February 2012 18 February 2012 – Fleeing conflict in Jonglei State, thousands of armed, displaced Lou Nuer are arriving in Ulang and Baliet counties in Upper Nile State, raising tensions among local communities

  2. South Sudan to launch campaign against SEA

    26 November 2013... is set to launch the first ever nation-wide prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) campaign, joint national task force ...

  3. UN Secretary-General unveils new strategy to address sexual abuse by UN personnel

    10 March 2017  

  4. Conduct and Discipline

    20 July 2016 The Conduct and Discipline Team (CDT) helps prevent and identify misconduct as well as monitors compliance with and enforcement of the UN standards of conduct, using a three-pronged strategy of prevention, enforcement and remedial action. ...

  5. UNMISS Statement on incidents of Sexual violence in the July 2016 conflict in Juba South Sudan

    1 August 2016... last few weeks, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has received deeply disturbing reports of widespread sexual violence, including rape and gang rape, of women and young gi ...

  6. Massive challenges ahead as South Sudan’s police launch action plan against sexual violence

    20 November 2019... the launch of an action plan against conflict-related sexual violence. On Tuesday, a promise consensually ...

  7. Bentiu IDPs attend campaign to prevent sexual abuse

    9 December 2014... 7 December 2014 - A two-day campaign to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse was recently launched in the UNMISS protection site in Bentiu, Unity State. ...

  8. UNMISS intensifies peacebuilding in Jonglei as new report confirms community militias attacked civilians with support from military and political figures

    15 March 2021 Juba, 15 March 2021: The establishment of new temporary bases, intensified patrols, support for peacebuilding and investment in basic services is helping reduce viol

  9. South Sudan army commanders unveil blueprint to curb conflict-related sexual violence

    14 March 2019... have unveiled a new Action Plan designed to eliminate acts of conflict-related sexual violence which have been committed by parties in country’s protracted ...

  10. - Joint Communique by the Transitional Government of National Unity And The United Nations Security Council

    5 September 2016 Joint Communique by the Transitional Government of National Unity And The United Nations Security Council Joint Communique by the Transitional Government of National Unity  And
