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  1. Accountability a direct path to end conflict related sexual violence in South Sudan

    18 July 2023 Everyone must unite to end sexual violence say participants at an UNMISS-facilitated workshop in Jonglei and the Greater Pibor Administrative ...

  2. Malakal comes together for the elimination of conflict-related sexual violence

    24 June 2019... International Day for the Elimination of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, an audience at the Malakal Stadium were sitting in quiet ...

  3. Police officers complete training to combat sexual and gender-based violence in Kapoeta

    13 December 2019 A UN Police officer makes a point during training on how to curb SGBV in Kapoeta “Rape and child marriage are crimes… no matter the cultural justifications.”

  4. Violence in South Sudan dropped slightly but sexual violence cases surge, says latest UNMISS report

    3 August 2022... 2 August 2022:  The UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) is very concerned that cases o ...

  5. UNMISS workshop seeks to end sexual and gender-based violence in South Sudan

    27 September 2018... woman makes a point during a two-day workshop on preventing sexual and gender-based violence in Juba Participants at ... an urgent need for the prevention and mitigation of Sexual and Gender-based Violence (SGBV) in South Sudan, raising concerns over ...

  6. Accurate reporting on sexual violence needed to curb impunity, activist says

    14 December 2014... 12 December 2014 - All media should improve reporting on sexual violence to help create accurate data and curb impunity for such crimes, ...

  7. Military commanders in Eastern Equatoria address conflict-related sexual violence

    9 April 2019 Ensuring respect for international human rights and international humanitarian laws at all times and by all soldiers now forms part of the new action plan of the South Sudan People’s Defence Forces

  8. Health care deficit causing fresh trauma to sexual violence survivors in South Sudan

    19 May 2020... Many survivors of the widespread and pervasive sexual violence that has plagued South Sudan throughout its five-year civil war suffer not only from the sexual assault, but also an inability to access the health care they need to ...

  9. UN police help to raise awareness on Sexual and Gender Based Violence

    26 January 2018 “She was only nine years old.” “Raped! Raped by a 30-something year old man. This man is HIV positive.”

  10. Preventing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence focus of joint training by UNMISS, South Sudan People’s Defence Forces

    30 October 2020... select members of the SSPDF teamed up with partners from UNMISS to come up with a training curriculum that would enable them to trickle down learning on preventing conflict-related sexual violence to everyone in their ranks. This, in turn, culminated in a ...
