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  1. Rival communities in Tonj North County agree to end violent conflict

    8 June 2021 Intercommunal violence in Tonj North County may have come to an end. An agreement to cease hostilities has been reached. Photos: Peter Ring Ariik Kuol/UNMISS Feuding communities from the areas of Kirik,...

  2. County commissioners pledge to ameliorate key peace and security challenges ahead of elections

    9 August 2023 Electoral preparations and necessary security conditions discussions during a two-day Commissioners’ Forum in Jonglei state, supported by UNMISS. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS. JONGLEI/GPAA – Th...

  3. UNMISS travels to previously almost-inaccessible village in Western Equatoria, raises awareness on COVID-19

    24 July 2020... in Western Equatoria to assess the security situation and raise awareness on COVID-19. Basukangbi, a ...

  4. Visiting UNMISS patrol aims to reduce heightened tensions in Eastern Equatoria over the holiday period

    5 January 2023 In Eastern Equatoria, escalating tensions between communities from neighbouring villages have led to some 1,500 people being displaced. UNMISS, in partnership with state authorities, are monitoring the situation and visiting peace...

  5. South Sudan’s Youths stepping up action for Peace

    1 September 2016 South Sudan’s Youths stepping up action for Peace South Sudan’s young generation, is breaking the silence and asking the leadership and the nation at large, to listen, reflect and start thinking peace.

  6. Near Verbatim Transcript Press Briefing by SRSG and Head of UNMISS, Nicholas Haysom Juba – 28 September 2022

    28 September 2022 Nicholas Haysom, SRSG and Head of UNMISS, at a press conference in Juba. Photos: Julio Brathwaite/UNMISS Welcome to everyone, including those tuning in live to Radio Miraya.

  7. UNMAS clears anti-personnel mines in remote Canal, though community challenges remain

    17 August 2022... Sara Beysolow Nyanti met with community members, listened to their concerns, and most importantly received their heartfelt appreciation for recent demining efforts by UNMAS here. UNMAS ...

  8. First Protection of Civilians site successfully closed in South Sudan as families choose to return home

    20 December 2017... families expressed the desire and confidence to return to their former homes. ...

  9. Yei hosts a ‘run for peace’ marathon

    22 June 2017... in conjunction with the Ministry of Information, Culture, Youth and Sports. ...

  10. Special Representative of the Secretary-General for South Sudan Nicholas Haysom's Briefing to the Security Council

    7 March 2022 [AS DELIVERED] Madam President
