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  1. Media Briefing by Mr. Adama Dieng, United Nations Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide on his visit to South Sudan

    11 November 2016 Media Briefing by Mr. Adama Dieng, United Nations Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide on his visit to South Sudan Media Briefing by Mr. Adama Dieng, United Nations Special Adviser on the Prevention ...

  2. South Koreans teach students taekwondo, football

    21 August 2013... engineers have been teaching martial arts and football to youth in the capital Bor. ...

  3. Unity and Lakes delegates agree to tackle cattle rustling

    2 December 2013... efforts to prevent cattle rustling and insecurity along their shared borders. ...

  4. UNMISS conducts human rights training in Tambura

    21 August 2014... completed a four-day human rights training for women and youth in Tambura County, Western Equatoria State. ...

  5. Wau authorities roll out trust building initiative

    7 December 2016 A South Sudanese Youth activist is calling  for the creation of  Peer to Peer  HIV support ...

  6. Possible peace in the pipeline as Dinkas and Murles in Jonglei agree to end age-old hostilities

    1 April 2019 “Peace is a process.”


    8 December 2017 Near Verbatim Transcript of Press Conference by the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General Victims’ Rights Advocate Ms. Jane Connors Juba Conference Room

  8. Lost lives and opportunities for children in remote conflict-ridden South Sudan

    5 February 2018... food, access to clean water, education, or a roof over their heads is normal for many children living in remote communities across ...

  9. Following the destruction wrought by the Tambura conflict, hope returns to Nabanga community, thanks to UNMISS

    27 July 2023 Two new facilities—a primary school and a health center—have brought joy to communities in a remote village in Western Equatoria. Photo by Phillip Mbugo/UNMISS WESTERN EQUATORIA – Until recent...

  10. Promoting Peace and reconciliation through gymnastics

    12 June 2017 Promoting Peace and reconciliation through gymnastics Spring for Peace, a local non-governmental organization working in Yei River State, and the Civil Affairs Division (CAD) of the United Nations Mission in ...
