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  1. UNMISS peacekeeping patrol investigates intercommunal clashes in Jonglei

    20 May 2020 A patrol of military and civilian peacekeepers serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan has reached communities in Pieri, in northern Jonglei, w

  2. “Women are capable and complete in themselves”—Atong Malek, Entrepreneur, South Sudan

    7 March 2022... EL GHAZAL -  Atong Malek runs a tailoring establishment in Aweil, Northern Bahr El Ghazal, where she designs clothes for both women ...

  3. UNMISS trains rookie politicians on good governance and responsibility to prevent conflicts

    20 May 2022 Being new to politics and its inner workings can be confusing. Photo: Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS NORTHERN BAHR-EL-GHAZAL- In the world’s youngest nation, there are few politicians who are familiar wit...

  4. New Peace Centre opened in Bor, South Sudan

    15 November 2018 UNMISS and local officials pause for a group photo at the opening of the Dr. John Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology Peace Centre in Bor. Deborah Schein, UNMISS Head of Field Offic...

  5. UNMISS “children not soldiers” campaign encourages South Sudan army to protect children in Pibor

    20 December 2017 UNMISS “children not soldiers” campaign encourages South Sudan army to protect children in Pibor The Sudan People’s Liberation Army brigade based in the troubled town of Pibor has committed to protecting chil...

  6. A historic arrival for Vietnam and the United Nations

    3 October 2018 A flurry of activity at South Sudan’s Juba International Airport, as UNMISS personnel and airport staff await the arrival of the first ever Vietnamese medical team to deploy in the history of peace

  7. UNMISS peacekeepers praised for reducing intercommunal tensions in Cueibet County

    17 December 2020 The presence of Nepalese UNMISS troops is credited with reducing tensions in Cueibet County, prone to intercommunal violence. The United Nations Mission in South Sudan is planning to extend the stay of ...

  8. Community of Bur and herdsmen resolve to share pastures and water in dry seasons

    31 May 2019 “We have agreed together to hold anyone that will cause conflict between us accountable, like thieves of goats and cattle,” said Oburak Alex, the landlord of Bur who oversees all traditional ritual

  9. Handover of agricultural equipment prompts call for increased farming in Western Bahr-el-Ghazal

    21 December 2021... of Agriculture in Western Bahr-el-Ghazal State has urged youth in the area to pursue farming to become more self-sufficient. ...

  10. Elite Nepalese troops receive UN medals for distinguished service in South Sudan

    2 July 2018... to its High Readiness Company have received UN medals for their distinguished service in South Sudan. The Nepalese ...
