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  1. UNMISS Civil Affairs conducts peacebuilding workshop in Kodok, Upper Nile

    22 April 2021... 30 representatives from civil society organizations, women, youth and traditional leaders came together to discuss social cohesion at an ...

  2. Peacekeepers from Ghana awarded UN medals for outstanding service in Unity State

    23 April 2022... efforts of Ghana's contingent in Unity State. They, and their male colleagues, were recently awarded medals for their great performance. Photos: Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS ...

  3. UNMISS and government authorities visit Fashoda in the wake of conflict that has left thousands displaced

    22 December 2022 An upsurge of violence over the past months in Upper Nile, South Sudan, has resulted in some 20,000 newly displaced people temporarily settling outside the UNMISS base in Kodok. The UN Peacekeeping mission and government partners ...

  4. Terekeka communities get filters for clean water

    5 March 2014 4 March 2014 - Allowing people easier access to safe drinking water at affordable rates in Terekeka County, Central Equatoria State, UNMISS handed over a biosand water

  5. UNMISS trains prison officers in Yambio on importance of upholding human rights

    1 March 2022... sensitivity. The main aim: To ensure offenders can serve out their sentences in a humane environment as the first step towards their eventual reintegration as productive members of society. Photo by Phillip ...

  6. Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General David Shearer's Briefing to the Security Council on the Situation in South Sudan [as delivered]

    15 December 2020 From the virtual Security Council session where UNMISS Head David Shearer briefed the Council on the situation in South Sudan. Thank you, Mr. President.

  7. UNMISS air patrol reaches out to flood-isolated community in Twic County, Warrap State

    2 February 2022 An UNMISS peacekeeper possibly getting directions from young residents of Akac in a remote part of Twic County, reached by an air patrol. Photos by Zejin Yin/UNMISS WARRAP - Residents in Akoc in Warrap ...

  8. UNMISS-funded police station expected to keep everyone in War-awar safe

    3 July 2019 No more harassment, intimidation, abuses or arbitrary arrests.

  9. UNMISS concerned about suffering women and children in Tambura, appeals for leaders to intervene

    10 September 2021... Thousands of people living in Tambura have fled their homes to escape violence. Some are seeking shelter near the UNMISS ... Equatoria State has forced more than 40,000 people to flee their homes. ...

  10. Bentiu 2019: The times are changing

    18 March 2019 Amid the whirlwind, omni-entering dust, the internally displaced persons milling about at the Bentiu UN protection site and the police officers patrolling the area, there is a distinct and rather p
