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  1. UNMISS and international donors discuss recovery and resilience in Wau

    17 April 2019 The Deputy Head of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) for humanitarian affairs and 50 high-level delegates from the international donor community have been in Wau to assess the humanitarian sit

  2. Lack of security, basic services and adequate housing still prevents displaced in Wau from returning home

    29 August 2018... Consultations with people displaced from their homes and sheltering in protection sites in Wau town reveal that ...

  3. Civil-military dialogue boosts confidence-building efforts in Magwi

    26 July 2019 Civil-military dialogue in Magwi, Eastern Equatoria. Worries over unrest flaring up once again are fading away among the civilian population in Magwi in Eastern Equatoria, following a civil-military dialogue ...

  4. Rokon residents urge South Sudanese leaders to fully implement new peace accord

    2 October 2018 Community members and internally displaced people residing in Rokon in the Jubek region are urging the warring parties in South Sudan to respect, uphold and implement the newly signed peace pact.

  5. Engaging with the Monyomiji for peace east of Torit

    26 September 2019

  6. UNMISS increases presence of Blue Berets around Bunj, intensifies patrols following clashes

    19 January 2021 UNMISS has deployed additional peacekeepers and reinforced troop mobility with more vehicles to stabilize the fragile security situation in Maban, near Bunj, in the Upper Nile region, following recent conflict. ...

  7. Calls for peace and unity resonate as communities in Bentiu gather to celebrate International Day of Peace

    29 September 2021... revenge killings and cattle raiding,” said Dak Malual, a youth representative, emphatically, as he addressed community members gat ...

  8. An orphan’s plea for peace in Jonglei

    19 March 2012... year called on all residents of Jonglei State to surrender their arms to government forces. ...

  9. An orphan’s plea for peace in Jonglei

    29 March 2012... year called on all residents of Jonglei State to surrender their arms to government forces. ...

  10. An orphan’s plea for peace in Jonglei

    29 March 2012... year called on all residents of Jonglei State to surrender their arms to government forces. ...
