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  1. New police station gives peace of mind to Hai Kosti residents

    8 November 2019

  2. Radio programming can play crucial role in ending gender-based violence in Northern-Bahr-el-Ghazal

    11 December 2020... and preventing gender-based violence of any kind, including early and forced marriages. Communities of Northern ... to report incidents of sexual harassment, abuse and violence against women. ...

  3. Peace begins with good farmer-pastoralist relations: UNMISS reaches out to cattle camps

    28 April 2023 The flag is white: these heads of cattle are coming in peace. Sometimes, however, clashes between pastoralists and farmers occur. Photos: Isaac Billy/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATORIA - The United Na...

  4. UNMISS and partners aim to de-militarize civilian facilities; improve conditions for returns in Upper Nile

    23 May 2019 The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and partners are working with military commanders and government officials to create a safe and secure environment for displaced people to return

  5. UN Peacekeepers Provide Comfort to Displaced South Sudanese in Rimenze

    24 July 2017... church in Rimenze are grateful to UN peacekeepers for their willingness to stay with them overnight in what they describe as “hell ...

  6. Juba workshop explores civilian oversight of security forces

    26 May 2014 23 May 2014 - Seeking to promote security and the prevention of human rights abuses, UNMISS held a workshop on civilian oversight of the security sector and its actors

  7. The power of a blue beret: a glimpse into the work of a female peacekeeper

    13 December 2019 Ragini Kumari conducts a foot patrol of a protection of civilians site while accompanied by a community elder. Ragini Kumari has many appellations. She is a devoted wife and mother of two, an avid practit...

  8. UNMISS and UNDP organize forum in Yambio to discuss ways to promote peace and reconciliation

    21 June 2024... Some 60 people, including commissioners, community leaders, youth, and women representatives from across Western Equatoria State, recently ...

  9. Participants at interstate conference on seasonal cattle migration recommit to peace

    31 January 2024 In Wau, farmers and herders from Western Bahr El Ghazal and Warrap respectively, agree to uphold the terms of the Marial Bai Agreement, which sets down guidelines to avoid conflict during seasonal cattle migration. Photo by Roseli...

  10. Female Rwandan police officers empower vulnerable women and children in UN protection site

    1 October 2018... Unit swelter under the hot Juba sun as they prepare for their entry to the nearby United Nations Protection si ...
