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  1. Malakal displaced call for peace, cite challenges in camp

    16 May 2014 15 May 2014 - Key hindrances to harmony within the UNMISS protection area in Malakal, Upper Nile State, included lack of forgiveness and desire for revenge, according t

  2. Building a Future Together on United Nations Day in South Sudan

    24 October 2017 Building a Future Together on United Nations Day in South Sudan UN personnel working across South Sudan have come together with local leaders and communities to celebrate United Nations Day and the work the ...

  3. UNMISS holds capacity-building workshop on fully reintegrating new returnees in Kodok

    10 February 2022... newly-returned refugees reintegrate into society and rebuild their lives. Photo by Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS. ... in South Sudan, many people who had sought sanctuary in their norther ...

  4. UN Deputy Secretary-General sends powerful message of hope and peace to women in war-torn South Sudan

    3 July 2018 “As mothers, because of the children, we will not give up, not on peace". The UN Deputy Secretary-General, Amina Mohammed, had a clear message to the people in Wau. Madiu John is a survivor. She has survi...

  5. UN Exploring Establishment of a New Base in Conflict-Ridden Yei

    14 July 2017 UN Exploring Establishment of a New Base in Conflict-Ridden Yei The United Nations is exploring the option of opening a new base in the conflict-ridden Yei region of South Sudan if warring parties agree to al...

  6. Slow implementation of peace agreement, lack of basic services impeding returns in opposition-controlled areas of Wau

    21 February 2019 Issues impeding voluntary returns in opposition-controlled areas of Wau have been raised at a one-day round-table discussion that brought together the leadership of the Sudan People’s Liberation Ar

  7. UNMISS hands over newly constructed police station in Western Bahr El Ghazal, boosting law and order

    21 July 2021 A handover of a newly-constructed police station by UNMISS through its Quick Impact Projects programme has brought relief and joy to law enforcement officials and community members alike in remote Eastern Bank, Western Bahl EL Gha...

  8. UN and local authorities call for an end to violence against women in Bahr el Ghazal

    4 December 2017... UN and local authorities call for an end to violence against women in Bahr el Ghazal Local authorities have ... Nations in the Bahr el Ghazal region to combat violence against women during a 16-day international campaign dedicated to eliminating ...

  9. UNMISS, partners continue to provide protection and support to displaced people in Tambura

    28 July 2021 As armed attacks on villages in Western Equatoria continue to displace people, UNMISS Blue Helmets intensify patrols and work with partners to reduce tensions and help alleviate suffering in any way possible. Photo by Phillip Mbug...

  10. Time for action: Upper Nile region Governors and military commanders bring peace to the table in Malakal conference

    5 April 2019 “Peace is not what’s written on paper. Peace is what’s happening today in this room. Peace is the food we eat. Peace is in our walk and our talk.”
