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  1. Cobra Faction releases 283 children from its ranks

    28 April 2015 24 April 2015 - More than 280 children have been released from the Cobra Faction, an armed group in South Sudan, the UN Children’s Agency (UNICEF) announced today.

  2. International Day of UN Volunteers: Ruby Awude, Ghana

    5 December 2022 Ruby Awude from Ghana has been a Blue Helmet serving for peace in various UN Peacekeeping missions. She has since shed her military uniform and is now a proud UN Volunteer with UNMISS in South Sudan. ...

  3. Nepalese UN police supporting conflict-affected schoolchildren in South Sudan

    10 November 2017 Nepalese UN police supporting conflict-affected schoolchildren in South Sudan Since the outbreak of conflict in South Sudan, many children have been forced to go to school in UN protection of civilians sites ...

  4. Kapoeta's Toposa and Buya communities make another push for peace

    15 December 2019 Toposa and Buya community members dance after resolving to end regular skirmishes and live peacefully After years of sporadic skirmishes between the Toposa of Riwoto and Buya of Kimotong c...

  5. UK to bolster support for UN mandate in South Sudan

    22 December 2016 The success of the Sustainable Development Goals, will depend, in part, on how well stakeholders invest and support the young girls of today, according to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).

  6. South Sudanese students break ethnic boundaries through Peace and Human Rights clubs

    20 April 2018 Laat Luka and Daniel Deng Joseph in Rumbek belong to different ethnic groups but have become friends forever. Photo: UNMISS/Eric Kanalstein Students at Abukloi Secondary School in Rumbek, in the Western Lakes...

  7. UNMISS peacekeepers intensify patrols in Nabiapai, Western Equatoria, following killing of three people

    11 November 2021 UNMISS Blue Helmets recently undertook a patrol to remote Nabiapai, a border town in Western Equatoria, where a shootout last weekend killed three people and injured others. Photo by Phillip Mbugo/UNMISS. ...

  8. UNMISS team observes disarmament in Boma

    21 March 2012 20 March 2012 – Over 100 guns have been collected in the Jonglei town of Boma and environs since a statewide civilian disarmament campaign began there a week ago.

  9. Students and parents in Yambio unite for peace as they mark Human Rights Day

    12 December 2019 Students dance excitedly during the Family Open Day event in Yambio. They clapped, they danced, and they sang.

  10. Floods devastate homes at UN Protection of Civilians site in Bor

    16 May 2018 A group of children living in the United Nations Protection of Civilians site in Bor dig up soil and fill up old pots and empty rusted tins of powdered milk.
