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  1. Kajo Keji holds forum to end county divisions

    13 February 2012 11 February 2012 – Divisions among people in Kajo Keji County, Central Equatoria State, stemmed back to misunderstandings during the 2010 election campaign, according to a three-day forum that ende

  2. “Malakal United”: The peace concert that brought a war-ravaged town to life again

    13 December 2018 Emmanuel Kembe, VIP, Kawaja Revolution – all on one stage!

  3. UN Assistant Secretary-General condemns "terrible" rights situation in South Sudan

    20 February 2017 Andrew Gilmour, UN Assistant Secretary-General for human rights, on his visit to South Sudan. Here in Malakal on 15 February (in the centre of the photo). (Scroll down for link to full radio interview) ...

  4. Statement by Nicholas Haysom, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMISS, to the United Nations Security Council

    6 March 2023 [As Delivered]

  5. UNMISS, Warrap state authorities visit Marial Lou, appeal for peace and reconciliation in the region

    22 September 2021 UNMISS Force Commander, Lieutenant-General Shailesh Tinaikar, and a high-level delegation of authorities recently visited Marial Lou following recent conflict here. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS UNMISS ...

  6. “Being a UN Volunteer is about embracing the community”: Jason William Gbambi, UNMISS

    31 May 2021 Jason William Gbambi, a national volunteer serving with UNMISS, is thoroughly enjoying his important work. Photos: Gregorio Cunha/UNMISS Jason William Gbambi is a national UN Volunteer working with UN...

  7. Inter-school cultural exchanges facilitated by UNMISS seeks to strengthen social cohesion

    22 March 2023 A two-month cultural exchange among six secondary schools in Rumbek, South Sudan, saw young students using the performing arts to depict the importance of lasting peace, social cohesion and forging a unified national identity. Pho...

  8. Lone female Bangladeshi engineer says mental robustness and preparedness is key to success

    3 July 2019

  9. UNMISS SRSG appeals to Unity State Government for cooperation with mission and humanitarian agencies

    25 May 2015 23 May 2015 – During her visit to Bentiu, UNMISS Chief, Ellen Margrethe Løj, appealed to the Unity State Government for full cooperation with UNMISS and humanitarian agencies to reach vulnerable pe

  10. Rwanda’s Umuganda-style clean-up exercise brought to Juba by UN peacekeepers

    15 June 2019 It’s a crisp Saturday morning.
