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  1. All-female UNMISS engagement teams win hearts and minds across South Sudan

    1 March 2021 All-women peacekeeping teams across South Sudan are having an immediate impact in forging connections with women and children in the world's newest country, especially as it battles the global COVID-19 pandemic. ...

  2. UNMISS hands over new, solar-powered police post along cattle migration corridor

    5 June 2024 An UNMISS handover of a strategically located, solar-powered police station in Kayongo, South Sudan, has brought hope to some 16,000 residents who have, in the past, been greatly affected by conflicts arising due to seasonal cattl...

  3. Joyous event in Juba injects fresh push for peace, encourages inclusive constitution making process

    16 March 2023 Lots of rejoicing took place when UNMISS organized festive event under the theme The Revitalized Peace Agreement – Achievements, Challenges, and the Way Forward. Photos: James Sokiri/UNMISS CENTRAL ...

  4. Peacekeeping patrol helps deter violence on troubled road to Yei

    5 August 2019 It’s only a 155-kilometer drive from the capital of South Sudan to Yei. But the journey can be a treacherous one.

  5. UNPOL trains police officers and other organized forces in Upper Nile State on crime management

    28 January 2022 Police and Corrections Officers in Malakal had a lot to take in when being trained by UN Police serving on human rights and crime prevention. Photos: Samson Liberty/UNMISS Deficiencies when it comes to ...

  6. UN and partners in Wau implementing action plan for voluntary return of displaced people

    6 March 2018 The number of displaced persons staying at the UN protection size has decreased significantly, from a high of 39,000 to approximately 25,000. The United Nations Missions in South Sudan (UNMISS), its humanitar...

  7. Ibba County to receive $150,000 a year from teak

    18 June 2014 16 June 2014 - Western Equatoria’s Ibba County stands to gain $150,000 a year from a company planning to harvest and plant teak there following an agreement signed toda

  8. Honey for money: An economic lifeline for communities in Wulu

    26 April 2018 On the outskirts of Rumbek in the Western Lakes region of South Sudan lies Wulu. Little is known about this village, but there is something sweet about it.

  9. UNPOL trains South Sudanese counterparts on interviewing underage survivors of sexual violence

    29 June 2021... Police (UNPOL) officers serving with UNMISS recently trained their counterparts from the South Sudan Police Service in Juba on interview ...

  10. UNMISS conducts peace conference in Jonglei

    20 February 2015 20 February 2015 - Aiming to promote peace and encourage ways of resolving conflict through dialogue among people in Jonglei State, UNMISS today concluded a workshop in the capital Bor.
