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  1. Partners in peace: UNMISS-hosted forum for traditional leaders leads to 18 peace resolutions

    10 April 2022... result: 18 peace resolutions that leaders shall encourage their people to follow to the letter. Photo by James Mawien Manyuol/UNMISS. ...

  2. DDR training facility launched in Mapel

    8 February 2012 7February 2012 – To give South Sudanese ex-soldiers a boost in returning to civilian life, UNMISS and the government's disarmament commission launched the construction of a training facility in Map

  3. SPLA signs agreement with UN to free children

    13 March 2012... 2012 - Renewing a commitment to release all children in their ranks, the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) signed an "action plan" ...

  4. UNMISS trains members of South Sudan’s forces in Pochalla on upholding child rights

    1 October 2021 UNMISS Child Protection recently trained 50 participants, including community leaders, commanders of the South Sudan People's Defence Forces, police officers, fire officers and wildlife officers, in Pochalla, Greater Pibor, on uph...

  5. UNMISS gives 94-year-old Pibor police station its first full on facelift

    3 July 2019 At the grand old age of 94, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan has given the police station in Pibor a first and much-needed facelift.

  6. Residents in Ikotos County learn how to identify community projects most suitable for funding

    19 June 2024 Community leaders and other stakeholders in Ikotos County learnt more about how to organize themselves and propose small-scale projects more likely to receive funding. EASTERN EQUATORIA – ...

  7. Women in Unity state call for equal representation at all levels of government

    30 November 2021... has come for South Sudanese women to take a leading role in their communities. ...

  8. Bridging the distance: Young artists in Juba traverse the world with visions of peace

    3 May 2023 One of the 16 entries to the art competition Peace Begins with Me, organized by UNMISS and the University of Juba, being deservedly photographed. Photos: Gregorio Cunha/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATORIA - More t...

  9. UN reiterates commitment to lasting peace in South Sudan

    25 October 2012 24 October 2012 – Pledging to do more to make a difference in South Sudan, the United Nations across the country today participated in commemorating UN Day.

  10. Jonglei commemorates International Women’s Day

    14 March 2012 13 March 2012 - Thousands of Jonglei State residents celebrated International Women's Day in the capital Bor today with speeches, songs, traditional dancing and military parades.
