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  1. Statement of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Mr. David Shearer, Briefing to the African Union Peace and Security Council on the situation in South Sudan, 14 November 2019

    14 November 2019   Thank you Mr. President and members of the Peace and Security Council.

  2. Bentiu IDP community watch group learn to reduce crime

    10 July 2015 10 July 2015 - To promote peace among different ethnic groups, UNMISS recently began training a Community Watch Group at the UNMISS Protection-of-Civilians (PoC) site in the Unity State capital Ben

  3. UNMISS peacekeepers rescue UNMAS contractors following an armed ambush in Eastern Equatoria

    19 April 2021 UNMISS peacekeepers from Rwanda and military observers recently rescued 20 United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) workers who were ambushed in Longiro, Eastern Equatoria. 20 United Nations Mine Ac...

  4. Departing UNMISS Chief sends message of peace to the people of South Sudan

    6 April 2021 UNMISS Chief David Shearer holding his last press conference in South Sudan. On the eve of his departure after more than four years as the UN’s top envoy in South Sudan, the Special Representative o...

  5. Civil society in Gogrial State vows to educate communities on UNMISS mandate

    14 September 2016... (CSOs) in Gogrial have vowed to sensitize and educate their communities on the new mandate of UNMISS, facts about the peace process ...

  6. New UNMISS head visits Bor, praises Indian peacekeepers

    30 September 2014 29 September 2014 - During her first visit to Jonglei State since assuming office a month ago, the new UNMISS chief praised the Indian contingent today in the capital B

  7. Pride and reverence reign as UNMISS celebrates International Day of UN Peacekeepers in South Sudan

    29 May 2019 Ambassadors, bons vivants, commanders, dignitaries and excellencies. They were all there, at UN House in Juba.

  8. Indian peacekeepers provide much-needed livelihood support in Kodok

    18 September 2018 Residents of Kodok county in the Fashoda area of South Sudan had every reason, last week, to be grateful to Indian peacekeepers deployed in the area.

  9. UNMISS-funded pediatric ward in Ezo gives hope and encouragement to returnees

    4 August 2023... EQUATORIA – “I encourage those who fled their homes to do like me: to come back and rebuild their livelihoods. ...

  10. Statement of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General David Shearer Briefing to the Security Council on South Sudan 23 June 2020

    23 June 2020 Briefing the UN Security Council on the situation in South Sudan. Madame President and Council Members.
