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  1. South Sudanese peace talks in Ethiopia extended in the hope warring parties can reach agreement

    22 May 2018 Priests and members of their congregations wept as they prayed for political leaders negotiating in ...

  2. “We are building peace, but we need development” say residents of Ibotu in Eastern Equatoria

    28 September 2021... travelled to Gunyoro to meet with community members and hear their concerns. Photo by Samira Y. Salifu/UNMISS. ...

  3. Peacekeepers from South Korea hand over thousands of face masks to students in Bor

    2 July 2021 Engineers from the Republic of Korea serving with UNMISS in Jonglei recently handed over much-needed items, including over 21,000 face masks, to 21 secondary schools in Bor as part of the mission's ongoing support to durable peace...

  4. UNMISS Bangladesh battalion treats thousands of cattle in Wau

    13 March 2019... They show up from virtually nowhere. No pre-announcement of their arrival is needed. ...

  5. UN Force Commander and Indian ambassador visit Lasu to see situation firsthand

    13 October 2019 UNMISS Force Commander chats with SSPDF members in Lasu A delegation comprising the Force Commander of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan, UNMISS, and the Indian Ambassador to South Sudan paid a visit ...

  6. A Boost for Security as UN Police Train Law Enforcement Officers in Malakal Town

    16 April 2018... United Nations police officers in South Sudan are extending their efforts beyond the protection of civilians’ site to assist in the ...

  7. Lack of trust between civilians and armed forces prompts calls for dialogue in Torit

    18 October 2018 Ralf is a businessman in Torit in the Eastern Equatoria region of South Sudan. Of foreign origin, Ralf runs a shop of mixed goods at the town’s main market.

  8. Police searches in UN protection site keep displaced families safe

    22 November 2019 The sun is yet to rise above the skyline.

  9. UN Day marked with new school for Kapuri

    26 October 2014 25 October 2014 - Sitting on the hard ground and braving bad weather to learn will soon end for pupils at Kapuri Primary School near Juba, thanks to UNMISS Rwandese sol

  10. Orphaned children and UNMISS personnel come together for Eid Al-Adha celebrations

    4 September 2017 Rwandan Peacekeepers teach children how to make pinwheels out of leaves and sticks while volunteering at the Hope for South Sudan Orphanage in Moti. The sound of children clapping, singing, and laughing joyf...
