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  1. Combating hate speech: ‘It’s better to sit down, talk to each other, and reconcile,’ says Juba camp leader

    19 November 2018 Mary Nyamayi Tut, the chairlady of the displaced women who have sought sanctuary at the UN protection site 3 in Juba, believes that if hatred and hate speech is pervasive among South Sudanese commu

  2. Bentiu, South Sudan: A rape survivor’s distressing tale; women's desperate pleas

    9 December 2018 At an undisclosed location in South Sudan’s Unity region, a rape survivor narrates her ordeal.

  3. Broken promises of the past cast shadow over hopes for peace in Western Equatoria

    2 October 2018 In the village of Akrogbode, grandmother Ana Mario is collecting clean water from a borehole for her family.

  4. Gravely violating children

    19 June 2014 Flooded plains of vibrant, green grass stretch to the horizon on either side of a mud track.

  5. UNMISS facilitates dialogue with peace committee in Yei to enhance local reconciliation efforts

    6 September 2023 Dialogue is a great tool to come up with guidelines, roles and responsibilities of members of a peace committee like the one in Yei River County. Photo: James Sokiri/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATORIA - ...

  6. Justice officials debate customary and statutory laws

    2 August 2013... organized a one-day rule of law forum in the state capital Aweil today. ...

  7. - Media Briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan Mr. David Shearer

    14 September 2017 Media Briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan Mr. David Shearer Opening Remarks: Good morning and than...

  8. “Life smiled on me again” – Deng Maker Deng graduates from UNMISS-provided training in Bor

    1 November 2018 “Someone may give you money; but it is the person who gives you skills that makes you.”

  9. UNMISS supports prison refurbishments in Tonj North, boosting law and order

    23 October 2022 What are the benefits of having a secure prison perimeter? Inviolable custody of violent offenders; scope for outdoor recreation for inmates; and a general boost to safety and security for community members. That's why UNMISS fun...

  10. Secondary school national exams in Juba: They, too, shall (hopefully) pass

    17 January 2019 Time for crucial national exams for secondary school students in Juba and across the country. The sun has just dragged itself above the Juba horizon for another day of relentless roasting.
