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  1. Women work together to resolve conflict and secure peace in Eastern Equatorian villages

    31 January 2020 UNMISS workshop in Eastern Equatoria building leadership skills among young women. “We are empowered. We don’t have to be silent. We must move to educate people about the possible causes of conflict and sugge...

  2. UNMISS SRSG Media Briefing: Near Verbatim Transcript

    16 November 2017 UNMISS SRSG Media Briefing Near Verbatim Transcript; Opening Remarks Near Verbatim Transcript of Media Briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and Head of the U...

  3. Joint UNMISS and state government forum in Malakal leads to action plan for peaceful coexistence from five counties

    11 April 2022... When community leaders from five counties agree to leave their differences behind and build peace together, it is cause to rejoice. ...

  4. Communities in Magwi voice concerns over conflict with cattle herders to visiting UNMISS patrol team

    13 April 2022 Recent conflict between farmers and herders in Magwi, Eastern Equatoria, has led to loss of lives, property and widespread displacement. An UNMISS patrol team visited numerous areas in Magwi county to evaluate the security situati...

  5. In meeting with Gogrial area Governor, UNMISS chief reiterates the mission’s support for the peace process

    5 April 2019 As the deadline for the pre-transitional period draws closer, following the signing of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS), the Spec

  6. International Women’s Day inspiration: “We have the right to be heard”, says Maria Angelo

    7 March 2024... country’s ongoing peace and political processes, asserting their rights. Photo by Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS. ...

  7. Kuajok holds meeting on justice for vulnerable people

    22 November 2013 20 November 2013 - Justice was a pre-requisite for sustainable peace in South Sudan, the Warrap State Minister for Social Development said in the state capital Kuajok today.

  8. Statement by Guang Cong, Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (Political) at the 19th RJMEC Meeting

    28 October 2021 [AS DELIVERED]

  9. AU-UN visit to South Sudan concludes with messages of hope and commitment to peace; inclusion of women

    10 October 2018 A joint African Union-United Nations delegation has concluded a three-day visit to South Sudan, expressing hope for “full cessation of hostilities” and a promise to “hold accountable” those who may

  10. Statement by the Special Representative of the Secretary General Mr. Nicholas Haysom to the United Nations Security Council

    16 December 2021 New York, 15 December 2021:   Thank you for this opportunity to brief on developments
