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  1. UN hailed in South Sudanese states

    27 October 2014 24 October 2014 - UN Day was marked across South Sudan’s states today by colourful celebrations featuring cultural dances, drawing competitions, school donations, sporting activities and speeches.

  2. Festive UNMISS event in Juba calls for collective soul-searching and action for peace

    15 June 2023 It is possible to have a good time while learning more about the drafting of a permanent constitution and other key bits of the peace process awaiting implementation in South Sudan. Photos: James Sokiri/UNMISS ...

  3. UNMISS police officers in Torit organize forum to discuss controversial sex education for girls

    11 March 2022 Overcoming cultural taboos was a key topic when UN police were discussing reproductive health issues with women in Torit. Photos: Samira Y. Salifu/UNMISS EASTERN EQUATORIA STATE - The words “sex educati...

  4. Statement by United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson at the World Humanitarian Day event in New York (19 August 2016).

    20 August 2016 Jan Eliassonn Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations. UN File Photo Distinguished participants and performers, Dear Friends,

  5. UNMISS steps up patrols and monitors human rights violations in greater Tambura

    12 August 2021 More than 30,000 people in and around Tambura are thought to have been displaced by violence. UNMISS has visited them, looking into reports of grave human rights violations. Photos: Denis Louro Oliver/UNMISS ...

  6. Rainy season creates new risks for a dire humanitarian situation in Aburoc

    18 May 2017... Humanitarian agencies are intensifying their efforts to provide clean drinking water to thousands of civilians fleeing ...

  7. Multipurpose Mercy Corps builds resilient local communities

    16 September 2016 Multipurpose Mercy Corps builds resilient local communities Food deliveries, cash assistance, cholera response, market recoveries, vocational skills trainings.

  8. Jonglei students call for inter-marriage and forgiveness

    28 August 2013 27 August 2013 - Community intermarriage, forgiveness and equitable development could resolve the vicious of cycle of violence in Jonglei State, students said at a one-day panel discussion today in

  9. UNMISS Chinese contingents in Wau awarded UN medals

    24 September 2011 6 September 2011 - UNMISS Force Commander Maj. Gen.

  10. Displaced Murle returning to Pibor

    10 January 2012... from Jonglei State's Pibor County have begun returning to their villages, according to reports from a joint UN humanitarian assessment ...
