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  1. Human rights quiz competition conducted in Yambio

    19 December 2011... 2011 - To educate students about human rights and boost their knowledge of defenders, UNMISS human rights unit in collaboration with ...

  2. Security Council demands end to Sudan-South Sudan fighting

    13 April 2012... that they immediately end cross-border violence and redeploy their forces from forw ...

  3. In South Sudan’s Greater Kajo-Keji, mangoes all around but only birds and animals eat them

    12 April 2018 Birds and stray animals have been devouring mangoes left behind by fleeing residents of South Sudan’s Greater Kajokeji, a joint UNMISS-IGAD mission to the area was told this week.

  4. Rwandan peacekeepers awarded UN medals for service

    24 July 2017... UN medals for service Looking sharp in their military uniforms, men and women from the Rwanda Aviation Unit 5 (RAU 5) ... proudly as they were awarded UN Medals in recognition of their service. ...

  5. Kuajok media should preach peace, says UNMISS official

    19 August 2014 19 August 2014 - Media in South Sudan had a vital role to play in bringing peace back to the country, the Acting UNMISS State Coordinator said in the Warrap State capital Kuajok recently.

  6. Female Bangladeshi peacekeepers inspire the women of Wau to join security forces

    5 February 2020 Female members of the Bangladeshi military contingent serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan are inspiring women in the communities they serve to consider a career in the country’s

  7. Greater Bahr el Ghazal women push for representation from the grassroots

    10 October 2019 Concerned about the pace of their inclusion in government and decision-making positions, women in the ...

  8. UNMISS Statement on incidents of Sexual violence in the July 2016 conflict in Juba South Sudan

    1 August 2016 Over the last few weeks, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has received deeply disturbing reports of widespread sexual violence, including rape and gang rape, of women and young gi

  9. IDP women in Juba learn to make handicrafts

    24 September 2014... Juba are using polythene bags to make handicrafts and earn their livings, thanks ...

  10. Stop attacks on aid convoys, UN humanitarian coordinator says

    1 March 2013... in Jonglei State must stop attacking aid workers and seizing their supplies, the top UN humanitarian official in South Sudan said today. ...
