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  1. UNMISS welcomes release of hundreds of former child soldiers in Yambio

    7 February 2018... by armed groups in Yambio to begin reintegrating into their communities and learning new skills to support themselves, according to ...

  2. Keeping woman and children safe

    7 March 2014 After fighting erupted last December in Bentiu, Unity State, Kirsten Young spent long hours under the hot sun searching thousands of people seeking protection at the UN

  3. Safe ground, safe home as UN Mine Action Service clears the way for peace-driven returnees

    3 April 2019 “South Sudan is doable. We are into the endgame now, and we need support to see this one through. It isn’t a thousand-year problem. It isn’t a hundred-year problem.

  4. Situation for children in South Sudan deteriorating – UNICEF

    27 November 2015 The situation of children in war-torn South Sudan has worsened since the beginning of the year, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warned today.

  5. AUMISS, UNMISS, IGAD, and RJMEC appeal for calm and urge South Sudanese leaders to pursue dialogue and complete implementation of the R-ARCSS

    1 April 2022 Juba, 1 April 2022 : A high-level joint delegation comprising of Special Representative of the Chairperson and Head of the AU

  6. UNMISS conducts patrols in Lakes State

    30 April 2015 30 April 2014 - Following continued violence in parts of Lakes State, UNMISS teams are regularly conducting joint monitoring patrols to verify claims of attacks in local communities.

  7. South Sudan can recover and develop, says peace director

    21 September 2014... people desperately yearned for peace and development, but their hopes had been dashed by the current conflict, a top academic sai ...

  8. Statement by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General Nicholas Haysom United Nations Day 2023

    24 October 2023 [Near Verbatim]

  9. Malakal cycles for peace and the environment

    28 September 2019 Malakal’s finest cyclists have taken to the streets in the first of many “rides for peace” aimed at encouraging climate action in the world’s youngest country.

  10. UNMISS raises awareness on COVID-19 on challenging patrol to faraway Maridi

    29 December 2020 A man on a bike on a mission: raising awareness on COVID-19 in remote Ibba County, in several languages. At long last, a patrol team of peacekeepers serving with the United Nations Mission in South Suda...
