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  1. Epilepsy damaging lives in Raja

    5 March 2012 1 March 2012 - Authorities in a Western Bahr El-Ghazal State county have voiced concern about widespread cases of epilepsy among its residents, according to anUNMISS team on a three-day assessment

  2. Security remains a concern; UNMISS civilian team visits a local village

    12 February 2016 Freedom of movement has been increasingly restricted in a South Sudanese village as the community is grappling with a range of security problems.

  3. Essay winners in Juba: “If men can make good presidents, maybe women can make better presidents”

    25 April 2018 Essay winners in Juba: “If men can make good presidents, maybe women can make better presidents” High-pitched ululations, music, dancing and inspiring statements about the power, abilities and rights of women...

  4. First DDR caseload to reintegrate as civilians

    6 September 2013 6 September 2013 - In line with South Sudan's efforts to reform its security sector, the first batch of candidates attending the pilot Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) programme

  5. UN Emergency Relief Coordinator arrives in South Sudan

    23 July 2015 22 July 2015- The sanctity of life should be paramount and everything should be done to protect civilians from risk and fear of death from violence in South Sudan, the UN top humanitarian official

  6. From patrolling to protecting civilans

    7 March 2014 When Major Wench Syversen joined UNMISS in November 2013, she patrolled to follow up on security issues in counties, but now she focuses on protecting civilians in the

  7. Following a cycle of conflict, UNMISS reviews dividends from local peace initiatives in Ulang

    14 March 2022 Following consistent conflict in 2020, which led to the deaths of 40 community members in a day, the people of remote Ulang county, Upper Nile, South Sudan, have taken on the onus of building sustainable peace and reconciliation f...

  8. Thousands of citizens gathered in Juba to celebrate “dawn of peace”

    31 October 2018 “Peace has come. And it is here today to stay.”

  9. Bentiu patients learn to keep healthy

    23 October 2013 22 October 2013 - UNMISS and UN agencies in Bentiu held two health education meetings today in Rubkona Care Clinic and the hospital in Bentiu, Unity State, as a run-up

  10. UNMISS chief urges parties to accelerate efforts to implement peace

    21 November 2019... In Pibor, thousands of people watched as their homes were destroyed and crops washed away by heavy rains over the past ...
