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  1. Calm returns to Lobonok as displaced civilians appeal for humanitarian assistance

    27 July 2019 Civilians in Pageri listen attentively during a meeting with UNMISS peacekeepers during a patrol in Lobonok County, in the Jubek area. Recently displaced by fighting in the mountainous mining areas of Lobon...

  2. UNMAS celebrates International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action: “Peace without mine action is incomplete peace”

    4 April 2017 Giada Girls Primary School and The Jay Family launched the mine awareness song Beware in Juba today, 4 April. Unnecessarily cute sniffer dogs, interactive demonstrations of mine action work, an exuberant ...

  3. Partnerships for the people: UNMISS and humanitarians provide free medical checks to displaced community

    4 April 2022 From 28-31 March 2022, partnerships for the people of South Sudan reigned supreme in Malakal, Upper Nile state, as military peacekeepers and UNPOL officers from Rwanda teamed up with doctors from India, plus humanitarian partners ...

  4. Bishop of Gulu Diocese, Bishop Nelson Onon Onweng, has sounded a strong appeal to South Sudan’s leadership pt.1

    25 July 2016 Bentiu hospital has received a new water system from UN Childrens’ Organsation UNICEF.  The water pump produces 162-thousand litres of water a day, serving the hospital’s wards and outpatient facil

  5. Kajo-Keji conference seeks to reconcile communities to chart common destiny of peace

    15 March 2024 Some 500 people recently gathered for a reconciliation conference in Kajo-Keji, Central Equatoria State. Photo: James Sokiri/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATORIA – The people of Kajo-Keji County have pledged ...

  6. Military and police officers run for peace on International Human Rights Day in South Sudan

    10 December 2018 They came before dawn.

  7. Near verbatim remarks by Nicholas Haysom, the Secretary-General's Special Representative and Head of UNMISS, at the South Sudan National Livestock Conference

    1 September 2022 [ Near Verbatim ]

  8. UN envoy urges South Sudanese leaders to show “common purpose” and agree on a roadmap that leads to elections

    30 June 2022 As a mere 8 months remain of the ongoing transitional period in South Sudan, the need for implementing key benchmarks contained within the 2018 Peace Agreement so that credible elections can be held on time was the focus of the S...

  9. Local communities in Tambura benefit from a week of COVID-19 sensitization by UNMISS, I Can South Sudan

    10 August 2020 UNMISS partnered with I Can South Sudan to organise a seven-day COVID-19 awareness raising campaign in Tambura. Tricycles and motorbikes with loudspeakers broadcast WHO-approved preventative measures in local languages. ...

  10. - David Shearer, Special Representative for South Sudan and Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan address to the Security Council

    26 September 2017 Mr. President, excellencies and distinguished delegates,
