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  1. UNMISS donates books to Northern Bahr el Ghazal parliament

    18 November 2015... to the Legislative Assembly in the state capital Aweil. ...

  2. Waste management and recycling improves in UNMISS camp

    26 October 2016 Waste management and recycling in Aweil In an effort to implement the UNMISSs’ policy on a safe environment mission administration in Aweil has embarked on a waste collection and recycling management system. ...


    8 September 2023... of South Sudan Duty Station: Rumbek OLS; Aweil; Kuajok; Yambio; Posting Period: 07 September 2023 - 06 ... ...

  4. Maridi and Ezo get new community centres

    3 March 2014 28 February 2014 - UNMISS handed over two multi-purpose community resource centers today to local authorities in Maridi and Ezo Counties of Western Equatoria State.

  5. The Female Face of Peacekeepers

    20 August 2016... Ghanaian Formed Police Unit in Bentiu at their Medal Parade. Photo: UNMISS/ Zenebe Teklewold ...

  6. UNMISS holds peace dialogue to resolve differences between communities in Greater Lakes

    9 October 2019 Participants at an UNMISS-led peace dialogue agreed on establishing a local court as part of the solution to intercommunal conflicts in Greater Lakes. The establishment of a Joint Border Peace Committee and l...

  7. Mongolian peacekeepers treat and evacuate wounded after cattle raid attack near Mayom

    12 April 2021 Mongolian peacekeeper attending to a civilian injured during a cattle raid. Together with local authorities and the South Sudan People’s Defence Forces, a group of 19 Mongolian peacekeepers based in M...

  8. Stakeholders discuss need to provide children with access to digital learning

    25 June 2024 At an event in Eastern Equatoria to mark Day of the African Child, diverse stakeholders called for more access to technological advances to ensure children in South Sudan can have the same advantages as those from developed nation...

  9. The unknown trials and tribulations involved in organizing an Indian medal parade ceremony

    2 July 2018... peacekeepers in Upper Nile have received UN medals for their outstanding service. Few civilians would know it, ...

  10. Statement by Nicholas Haysom, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, at the 18th RJMEC Meeting

    22 July 2021 On 22 July 2021, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Head of UNMISS, Nicholas Haysom, opened the 18th plenary meeting of the Reconstituted Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC) in South Sudan's capita...
