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  1. A tale of three UN medal recipients from India

    18 March 2019 A badminton champion. A talented chef. A first-time parade commander.

  2. UNMISS celebrates UN Day in schools

    26 October 2011 24 October 2011 – South Sudan marked the 66th anniversary of United Nations Day with a series of interactive and learning activities over the past few days in Central Equatoria, Western Bahr el Gha

  3. Kapoeta women campaign for increased enrollment of girls in school to end early marriage

    24 December 2019 Women sing during a sporting event to promote human rights awareness in Kapoeta “Sweet dreams come after education.

  4. Beleaguered by cattle raids, feuding Eastern Equatoria communities request UNMISS to broker peace dialogues

    27 August 2022 A patrolling team of UNMISS peacekeepers recently visited communities reeling from cattle raids and revenge attacks in Kapoeta and Budi, Eastern Equatoria. With the normally peaceful fabric of life in tatters, people are calling o...

  5. UN calls on government to control security in Pibor

    14 May 2013... called on the South Sudanese government to act immediately against the perpetrators in ...

  6. Dreams of a safer home

    3 February 2015... Women and girls trudging under the hot sun with firewood on their heads are common sights along the road running between Bentiu and ...

  7. UNMISS Head Urges International Community to show “Unity of Purpose” in Supporting Peace in South Sudan

    26 September 2017 UNMISS Head Urges International Community to show “Unity of Purpose” in Supporting Peace in South Sudan The international community must show “unity of purpose” by supporting a peace process capable of being ...

  8. UNMISS launches series of joint cultural outreach for peace activities in Torit

    30 October 2018... Communities in Torit have reiterated their commitment to unite and foster peaceful existence among the different ...

  9. Government and UNMISS Inaugurate South Sudan’s First Juvenile Reformatory Centre in Juba

    6 November 2019

  10. As displaced people return to Kodok in Upper Nile, need for assistance increases

    8 June 2018 As displaced people return to Kodok in Upper Nile, need for assistance increases As a tangible indicator of relative calm in the area, a large number of civilians have decided to leave camps in neighbouring ...
