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  1. The making of a peace conference: How an UNMISS field office brought opposing sides to the table in Upper Nile

    5 April 2019 It’s a hot Friday afternoon in the UN mission’s Malakal office. Everyone seated around the table in the conference room knows that it is going to be yet another working weekend.

  2. UN Secretary-General's opening remarks at joint press conference on humanitarian crises in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen

    23 February 2017 UN Secretary-General's opening remarks at joint press conference on humanitarian crises in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen. The Secretary-General

  3. Bedevilled by criminality and lack of basic services, Greater Yei residents call for peace at conference

    12 October 2019 Delegates listen attentively during the Yei Peace Conference. Residents of Greater Yei, comprising Mugwo, Otogo, Tore and Yei counties, have made a plea to bolster efforts to end the ongoing fighting and ensu...

  4. UNMISS peacekeepers give refugees confidence to return to Akobo

    25 January 2019 Nyabang Juol Chan fled her home two years ago to escape the violent civil war in South Sudan, seeking sanctuary in a refugee camp in nearby Ethiopia.

  5. Officials, community embrace UNMISS report in Jonglei

    30 June 2012... accepted an UNMISS report on inter-communal violence in their state, an UNMISS official said today in Pibor. ...

  6. UNMISS Deputy Chief visits Gondokoro to assess progress in mine clearance

    29 May 2022... area, making it safe for communities to return and rebuild their lives. Photo courtesy UNMAS. CENTRAL ...

  7. UNMISS Deputy Special Representative and Resident Coordinator for South Sudan tours Torit

    16 March 2022 Sara Beysolow Nyanti, UNMISS Deputy Special Representative and Resident Coordinator for South Sudan had a busy but productive day on her maiden visit to Torit, Eastern Equatoria, where she met with key humanitarian, development an...

  8. The UN holds electoral administration training for key stakeholders

    6 June 2024 Recently, in Bor, South Sudan, the United Nations built capacities on inclusive and credible electoral processes among 27 participants drawn from civil society, the media, and persons with disabilities. Photo by Achol Kur Marial K...

  9. UNMISS assessment team visits Tambura, Western Equatoria, following recent armed attacks

    19 July 2021 A recent spate of armed attacks by unidentified gunmen in Tambura, Western Equatoria, has displaced many. An UNMISS assessment mission is currently on the ground, patrolling intensively and working with humanitarian partners to pr...

  10. Community leaders in Unity state pledge to promote a culture of peace

    3 October 2021 Some 60 participants from local administration, including women's representatives, from Guit and Rubkona counties in Unity state attended an UNMISS forum on enhancing peace and stability. Photo by Jacob Ruai/UNMISS ...
