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  1. Conflict in South Sudan gone on too long, UNMISS Chief says

    15 December 2015 The conflict in South Sudan which broke out exactly two years ago has lasted much too long, the top UN official in the country, Ellen Loej, said in Juba today.

  2. Bentiu protection site a big concern – UNMISS official

    3 July 2014 3 July 2014 - Between 100 and 200 new internally displaced persons (IDPs) are arriving each day at the protection-of-civilians (PoC) site at the UNMISS base in the Unity State capital Bentiu, a sen

  3. Collective efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19 continue in Western Equatoria despite infrastructure shortfalls, porous borders

    21 April 2020 UNMISS engineers assist the High-Level COVID-19 Taskforce in clearing an overgrown area around a proposed isolation facility in Yambio, Western Equatoria. Awareness-raising regarding preventative me...

  4. A survey, risk education, and a demo on destroying unexploded ordnance

    6 December 2018 A high-level delegation of the Embassy of Japan in South Sudan, the United Nations, and representatives from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the National Mine Action Authority ...

  5. UNMISS training for journalists in Western Equatoria focuses on building peace, promoting unbiased reportage

    28 June 2021 28 journalists in Western Equatoria recently completed a three-day UNMISS training on journalistic practices and the role of media partners in building a durable, inclusive peace across South Sudan. Photo by Felix Katie/UNMISS. ...

  6. “Girls are not cows”: Discussing the rights of females in Cuei Chok

    13 December 2018... and women in Cuei Chok in the Lakes region have discussed their rights, which are often ignored. As people gathered ...

  7. Girls participating in Torit cultural festival insist on right to avoid early and forced marriages

    20 December 2018... in Torit. “Torit give us a chance! Marriage is between adults, not between an adult and a child. ...

  8. Surviving outside the military

    17 February 2012 John Okulo has come a long way since he signed up with the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) as a child soldier at the tender age of 14.

  9. UNMISS Civil Affairs Division visits Mangalla County to discuss Bari-Mundari tensions

    9 September 2016 UNMISS Civil Affairs Division visits Mangalla County to discuss Bari-Mundari tensions UNMISS Force Protection, Civil Affairs and a representative of the Communications and Public Information Section on 9 Se...

  10. Statement of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General Mr. David Shearer Briefing to the United Nations Security Council on South Sudan

    8 March 2019 SRSG David Shearer briefs the UN Security Council on the situation in South Sudan. Madam President, Members of the Council
