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  1. UNMISS renovates health institute in Bor, set to offer medical training for dozens

    14 January 2019 Solar lamps, and an ambulance, were part of the renovation package as UNMISS peacekeepers handed over the Jonglei Health Institute in Bor to its administrators. An incapacitated hospital is a sad sight. After...

  2. Civil society network in Eastern Equatoria to coordinate activities for more effective service delivery

    23 September 2020... in Eastern Equatoria State gathered to better coordinate their activities and service delivery. The Civil ...

  3. outreach program designed to sensitize students in Maridi about HIV/AIDS has been suspended

    26 July 2016 Meanwhile, the Uganda Joint Christian Council plans to write a joint statement addressing the leadership in Juba appealing for peace.

  4. Council extends UNISFA mandate, urges progress on Abyei

    18 May 2012 17 May 2012 - The UN Security Council today demanded that Sudan immediately and unconditionally withdraw all remaining military and police personnel from the disputed Abyei area.

  5. UNMISS staff union issues aired at town hall meeting

    16 August 2012 16 August 2012 - The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for South Sudan Hilde F.

  6. REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (REOI) for Construction of VIP Houses at UN House, Juba, Republic of South Sudan

    10 October 2016... : Interested companies are invited to submit their EOI by e-mail (preferred) or hand delivery as indicated below. The EOI ... Company should be registered in UNGM or should start their registration process immediately, if not registered. Companies are ...

  7. Pariang women inspired by female UN peacekeepers’ peace building experiences

    13 March 2020 Women in Pariang were fascinated by an UNMISS photo exhibition as part of celebrations of International Women's Day. After years of very limited political participation, women in Pariang are looking forwa...

  8. New humanitarian hub in Raja County increases support to returnees from UNMISS and partners

    20 April 2022... growing number of previously displaced people returning to their homes. WESTERN BAHR-EL-GHAZAL STATE – ...

  9. Construction of Staff Welfare Building at UNMISS UN House, Yei Road in Juba, South Sudan - Closing April 14 2017

    14 March 2017... : Interested companies are invited to submit their EOI by e-mail (preferred) or hand delivery as indicated below. The EOI ... Company should be registered in UNGM or should start their registration process immediately if not registered. Companies are ...

  10. South Sudan to demobilize 150,000 ex-combatants

    26 April 2012... 23 April 2012 - To create awareness of their eight-year work plan to demobilize 150,000 ex-combatants, South Sudan's ...
