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  1. UNMISS-funded human rights forum urges constructive, united electoral participation

    13 November 2023... the need for all stakeholders to come together, despite their differences, and contribute to ensure that South Sudan's first ... requires the poorest and most marginalized citizens to have their voices included in making meaningful ...

  2. Youth begin free washing project for wounded soldiers

    13 February 2014 12 February 2014 - The Youth Technology Development Organization launched a free wash project at Juba ...

  3. Displaced youth in Bentiu trained in conflict mitigation

    22 January 2015... 21 January 2015 - More than 20 youth leaders living at the UNMISS protection site in the Unity State capital ...

  4. Leer youth want peace forum with opposition peers in the Southern Unity region

    28 August 2018 Youths in Leer in the Southern Liech area have stated that they would like to engage youngsters from both government- and opposition-controlled parts of the region in a peace forum, preferably to b

  5. UNMISS gives Malakal youth vocational training

    9 August 2018 Overgrown bushes and whitewashed buildings are telltale signs of a lot of time having passed since the school bell last rang to signal the start of yet another day of conventional rote learning.

  6. In Wau, children speak about the need for sustained peace and development

    25 October 2023 During a spirited and convivial UN Day commemoration in Wau, children from different schools stole the show by advocating for peace, development and, of course, education for all. Photo by Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS ...

  7. International Day of UN Volunteers: Sarwah Qader, Iraq

    5 December 2022... from Iraq is a Gender Affairs Officer serving with UNMISS in Aweil who very much enjoys her varied tasks as a UN Volunteer. Photos: Emmanuel ...

  8. Youth, Peace, Security: Zekia Musa Ahmed, Activist, Central Equatoria

    28 May 2021 Zekia Musa, 29, may be visually impaired but that doesn't stop this feisty young activist from advocating for the rights of disabled persons and highlighting the need to include them at all levels of decision-making. Photo by Mose...

  9. Youth in Opari and Pajok benefit from UNMISS vocational training on wide variety of skills

    12 October 2022 The sweet joy of graduating from a vocational skills training is there for all to see. Photo: Moses Yakudu/UNMISS EASTERN EQUATORIA- Animal husbandry, carpentry, baking, tailoring, bricklaying – you...

  10. Internally displaced women and youth receive training on income generating projects

    10 April 2023... items is expected to give 60 internally displaced women and youth a chance to make a living. Photos: Angellah Mandoreba/UNMISS ...
