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  1. DFID delegation visits Malakal protection site

    17 March 2015 16 March 2015 - Officials from the United Kingdom’s (UK) Department for International Development (DFID) today visited the protection site at the UNMISS base in Malakal, Upper Nile State.

  2. Improved access to information as UNMISS funds renovation of Bentiu radio station

    17 July 2022 Finalizing the paperwork for the handing over of a radio station renovated by UNMISS to the Unity State government. Photos: Luk Riek Nyak/UNMISS In December 2013, when South Sudan became engulfed in civ...

  3. Wau University students dissect the concept of peace

    27 September 2017 Wau University students dissect the concept of peace Students at the Bahr El Ghazal University seized the opportunity provided by the International Day of Peace to debate the very concept of peace and its ram...

  4. “Family Open Day” focus on role of households in achieving peace and fight gender-based violence

    2 December 2019 Jubek Model School was the scene of a festive event promoting harmonious families, peace and an end to gender-based violence. On Thursday 28 November, a steaming Juba was joyously shaken by the reverberations...

  5. Risk education conducted by UNMAS benefits displaced schoolchildren in Unity state

    30 November 2021 With catastrophic floods in Unity state leading to massive population movements, there was no better time than now for UNMAS to provide risk education on unexploded ordnance to displaced schoolchildren in Bentiu. Photo by Roseline...

  6. Displaced opt to remain in UN bases, despite challenges

    12 February 2014... the security situation outside became more predictable, their representati ...

  7. Request for Expression of Interest

    1 March 2022...   2.  Interested companies are invited to submit their EOIs for consideration by email (preferred), courier or by hand delivery ... registered in UN Global Marketplace (UNGM) or should start their registration process immediately if not registered using the link ...

  8. UNMISS steps up patrols, engagements in and around Leer following an upsurge in conflict

    11 April 2022... last week, UNMISS peacekeepers from Ghana have stepped up their on ground presence and patrols. File Photo by Roseline Nkwelle/UNMISS. ...

  9. Juba displaced urge others to move to new UN site

    26 March 2014... UNMISS Juba Tomping protection site to the Jebel base urged their friends and relatives today to follow sui ...

  10. UNMISS concerns on protection of children amidst conflict in greater Tambura

    1 September 2021... 40,000 people who have fled violence in Tambura have made their way to Ezo. Photos: Denis Louro Oliver/UNMISS ...
