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  1. Local Government Act must be implemented, judge says

    20 May 2013 18 May 2013 - Judges in Unity State raised concerns today that customary (traditional) courts were hearing criminal cases that should fall to the state (formal) legal system, according to UN Radio

  2. Shakespeare with a South Sudanese sound

    17 February 2012... A dozen South Sudanese actors in their 20s and 30s sit on couches lining the walls of a hotel lounge in Juba, ...

  3. UN Police

    19 October 2015 Who we are

  4. UNMISS hands over police post in Juba

    25 November 2014... Sudanese police and encourage displaced people to return to their homes in Juba, UNMISS today handed over a police post to Central Equa ...

  5. Hope for South Sudan’s younger generation

    16 June 2017 Hope for South Sudan’s younger generation Liatile Putsoa, from Lesotho recently joined UNMISS as a UN Volunteer.

  6. SRSG appeals to IDPs to respect protection sites

    21 November 2014 20 November 2014 - UNMISS is making every effort to uphold the civilian nature of protection site on its bases across the country, the mission’s chief Ellen Loej said in Juba today.


    9 May 2017... peacekeepers have been awarded the United Nations Medal for their commitment and service to the UN and the people of South Sudan during a ...

  8. As Delivered: Briefing to the Security Council on the situation in South Sudan by Special Representative of the Secretary-General for South Sudan and Head of UNMISS, Nicholas Haysom, on 16 September 2022

    18 September 2022 Special Representative of the Secretary-General for South Sudan and Head of UNMISS, Nicholas Haysom. Madame President,

  9. Western Equatoria women urge end to gender violence

    28 November 2014 27 November 2014 - Dowries should be reduced and society from both rural and urban areas sensitized on gender-based violence (GBV), participants said at a workshop toda

  10. UNMISS peacekeepers in Cueibet continue to mitigate conflict and build confidence

    23 January 2021 In Cueibet, a county in the Lakes region of South Sudan, Nepalese peacekeepers serving with UNMISS established a temporary operating base in November 2020 as part of a proactive measure to build confidence among local communities ...
