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  1. Women grassroots in Juba discuss gender-related provisions of the revitalized peace agreement

    13 May 2019 Catherine Lotto from the Young Christian Women's Association at a workshop about gender provisions in the revitalized peace agreement. “I am a woman, a peacemaker and a peacekeeper. That is how I am made.” ...

  2. Civilian disarmament peaceful in Wanding

    11 April 2012 5 April 2012 - Government-led civilian disarmament had been proceeding peacefully since it began on 1 April in Wanding payam (district), Upper Nile State, local officials told an UNMISS and state g

  3. Being an orphan in Torit: The quest to keep one’s head above water

    28 December 2018 Peacekeepers in Torit spent part of their spare Christmas time visiting children staying at two different ... with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan spent part of their spare Christmas time at two orphanages in Torit, bringing a bit of joy ...

  4. UNMISS builds child protection capacities among SSPDF personnel

    25 January 2024 In Warrap, some 80 SSPDF personnel commit to upholding child rights and building better relationships with communities, thanks to UNMISS-facilitated workshops on child protection. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS ...

  5. Human rights investigators rush to South Sudan’s Bentiu following spate of rapes

    5 December 2018 Women walk past a UN Armoured Personnel Carrier parked on a street in Bentiu. The UN has increased patrols to reinforce security in the area after some 150 women and girls reported rape and sexual assault. “O...


    8 March 2021...  Interested companies are invited to submit their EOIs for consideration by email (preferred), courier or by hand delivery ... using the link or should start their registration process immediately if not registered. (b) ...

  7. UNMISS Malakal facilitates mini dialogue between IDPs and local leaders from outside the camp

    19 March 2017 UNMISS Malakal facilitates mini dialogue between IDPs and local leaders from outside the protection of civilians site to restore trust between communities. On 16 March, UNMISS Civil Affairs Division (CAD) and...

  8. Locals in Rumbek commend peacekeepers for protecting South Sudanese lives and property

    30 May 2018 Local artist Mr Red Bullet takes the stage to perform during UN Peacekeepers Day Joyful songs and speeches reverberated in Rumbek, South Sudan, as the area marked the International Peacekeepers’ Day, with loc...

  9. Iconic British Army Regiment joins fourth tour of UK Engineers in Malakal

    3 September 2018 Their scarlet tunics and bearskins are renowned all over the world. They are ...

  10. SSNPS complete fourth sensitization workshop on CTBPS

    26 January 2016... of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) to the locations of their choice, South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS) completed the four ...
